Overbridge Control Panel not recognizing my A4

Hey guys,

So I’ve downloaded overbridge and all, but when I plug in my A4 to my computer, switch it on, and open the Control Panel, it says no device is recognized.

My A4 is set in overbridge mode.

Any ideas why ? Could be a driver issue ?


…did you update the A4 OS as well?

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Yep I did !

I was having this issue with my AK earlier today. I went to the device manager in Windows 10, and removed the Analog Keys device. Reinstalled latest Overbridge beta and I was back in action.

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I’ve found that windows sometimes gets confused about the drivers for my A4.
In device manager it will say something like “an older version of the device driver is still in memory.”

Not sure how to properly fix this issue, but restarting the computer usually does the trick.