Overbridge audio not lining up with external synths (sequenced by Digitakt)

So does this mean your setup should be all OB or all audio interface? That seems a bit broken.

PS: has anyone tried running MODEL:CYCLES or MODEL:SAMPLES USB audio in tandem with Overbridge devices? I’m wondering if that has the same issue. Seriously considering buying a Digitone just so I can have all my synths in OB land. That or abandoning the Digitakt altogether and buying an Octatrack. Still haven’t had any luck with getting everything to consistently sync in Ableton.

It means all your audio inputs should be either OB or audio interface. You could still use audio interface outputs and OB together though.

NB: i haven t updated to the latest version if OB. It could have changed in the meantime.

Also, i havent been using OB except for a test to see if it works for my scenario. Perhaps more weathered OB users have more insights.

One possible solution for people:
I had a problem getting the audio coming back from RYTM via Overbridge to be in sync.

I use the Reaper DAW, with the Overbridge plugin sending MIDI to RYTM and receiving audio from RYTM on the same Overbridge plugin track, audio input which is then sent within the DAW as separated drum instrument tracks to 8 different audio tracks for recording. (this separated audio routing may differ between DAWs, it wasn’t obvious in Reaper but someone on this forum shared a Reaper session file that made it clear)
Overbridge is great for separating drum tracks to record in this way.

However I was having a problem that my audio coming back and being recorded was 30ms late and no amount of negative offset in MIDI note send of any different technique solved it.

What seemed to solve it for me was turning off the Analog RYTM as a USB MIDI input/output in Reaper MIDI settings. So as far as the DAW Reaper is concerned the only connection with the RYTM is through the Overbridge plugin on one track (sending MIDI and receiving audio / MIDI ).
This is actually what the Overbridge manual says, maybe this will help some people because it’s a little counter-intuitive but makes sense: You don’t want the DAW sending info to the Elektron device twice.

I still have audio running in and monitoring out of my main USB audio interface Steinberg UR44C, which I can set an offset if needed but this is a separate thing. I also have other USB MIDI devices running in and out syncing with the DAW clock, separate to Overbridge.


It doesn’t really matter in what mode it is. There is a button in the Overbridge VST where you can choose the sync. In that, choose the “no sync” option. This will able you to sync all your gear through MIDI DIN instead from the DAW. I struggled with the sync for months and even bought an Expert Sleepers USAMO to solve the problem because my Elektron devices was drifting so much and nothing stayed in sync. But as soon as I turned of the sync in the VST everything started to work together. I use a 18 in 18 out soundcard and have two Elektron devices streaming to Ableton Through Overbridge and the CPU in Ableton is about 1-3%… which is about nothing. Even when I multitrack record


Do you record via OB and the 18ch audio interface at the same time? Are the recorded OB and interface channels in tight sync?

Yes so if you send sync data via USB and MIDI at the same time things get confused. You have to use either USB sync or MIDI sync.

If you use MIDI DIN to sync then yes you need to disable the other two sync channels: OB VST sync and DAW USB midi sync.

If you use USB sync via OB VST then you also have to disable the USB MIDI connection directly from DAW to Elektron Hardware in DAW settings. Otherwise the DAW is sending sync data through OB VST and DAW USB midi which confuses the Elektron hardware unit. All sync and note data must only go through the OB VST (in and out) otherwise OB won’t be consistent.

If you use USB midi sync via DAW settings then turn off sync in OB VST.

So there are at least 3 ways to send sync data and if two are turned on they create drifting sync.

I also bought an Expert Sleepers USAMO to keep my Korg Prologue arpeggiator in sync. It does the job. The prologue sync is very fussy.

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