Overbridge and rytm question

so come december when this things comes out will i be able to access samples that the analog rytm can trigger directly from my computer without having to physically transfer these files?

will the overbridge give me a nice user interface to organize, drag and drop, rearrange all my sounds, settings and samples?

is this what it does?


Ha ha ha, your answer made my day. Alias ‘t’ and answer ‘no’. Plain and simple, not overdone :wink:
Overbridge is about:

thanks guys…“least useless” …based on the responses your name was quiet fitting.


A sample manager is something I’d really like to see.

Maybe the community might come up with something eventually?

Someone send me an Analog Rytm and I’ll get started building one.

Since you can write samples to the Rytm without putting it into a special receive mode, I guess sending samples is fairly straight-forward.

Not sure that there’s a mechanism for transferring them back to the host, or any kind of interface which would allow you to move them around on the device.

Its a real shame the analog rytm wont just plug and play in winnows and OSx as an external hard drive for simple drag and drop :frowning:

That would be the better solution.

Creating directory structures and dragging large numbers of sample files around would be much easier on Windows / OSX.

That was what i thought overbridge was going to do.

Did anyone have any joy in getting the samples transfered faster? I heard it was very slow?