Overbridge 2.0 beta feature request thread

Digitakt user here and I’m using the standalone OB2 beta 2.0.916 on OSX

I’m assuming these feature requests are applicable to all machines:

  1. Sample preview is very clunky, worse than browsing on the DT hardware - as far as i can tell there is no way to preview a sample in place, you have to commit. Really need a sample in place preview please.

  2. The sample preview (the arrow icon) has to be clicked by pointer, it needs a keyboard shortcut (right arrow would work).

  3. Sound browser - there is no way to preview at all? But there is on the hardware.

  4. I would expect to be able to rename samples and sounds in the OB2 software, I don’t think this is possible.

  5. UNDO - would be very welcome especially considering how easy it is to accidentally load a sample while browsing.

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