Overbrain, digital box with overbridge enabled

Hi guys, I was dreaming about a new box. A box where we could connect via USB Digitakt and digitone. This box could access to internal audio channels of Digis and treat it with sequenced audio FXs. In this box, you could be able to affect Digis parameters in order to control all that you want in one box including midi channels. Of course because of some limitations this will not be possible to control parameters at a same time but I see it like that : a control panel with x pages where we could choose 4 cc of Digis on one knob (as pitch bend, velocity, aftertouch mod in Digitone). The format of the box will be the same as Digis and this box will inclus a usb hub that let you use your favorite controler. This is my dream. Could we make it real?? :grin: :grin: :grin:

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