Emailed this as a feature suggestion to Elektron. Would tidy up my workflow greatly, both on and off stage. How about you?
I presume labels don’t exist, but i see no need for having track x on screen when that’s obvious already on two counts
this version seems more clear/useful imho fwiw
x2 for this option. Track number is not a problem, a little (8 char?) text would be awesome.
couldn’t hurt. i’d love to see it implemented.
although i would also like if it was part of “track templates”
so if I load “kick” then it would create a track with a flex machine on it that will open up by default when i go to add a sample to my “kick” folder in my audio pool, and fx1 with me compressor and fx2 will be reverb.
I’d be happy if I could make my own template for new projects.
Many of us have a project template saved. All you do is load it up and save to new.
great idea. i also wouldn’t mind being able to select the character that represents (T)hru, (F)lex, (S)tatic. the Thru character is helpful but it doesn’t matter to me that I know if something is Flex or Static. I’d rather be able to specify if it’s a (B)ass or (L)ead sound etc. if it’s a sample.
that was my thinking too. with so many options, especially with flex machines, it’d be handy to choose a template that already had the slice, loop, time or pitch stretch, recorder assignments that you and what track to sample from without setting it up every time.
but yeah track names would be especially helpful on the MIDI side, also with external ins, and any track that resamples!
this would be fine, but there’s a much greater need for some kind of labeling on midi tracks imo