OT - sound quality

I just quickly used the distortion plug in Logic and pitch shifter. Hahaha

@Riuozami it’s just a joke. I distorted the sound and was pretending I could not tell the difference :slight_smile: in reality, I honestly don’t hear a difference that would be bad enough to make note of when I sample with OT.


octatrack owners will be pleased


If I thought both sounded similar…:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I’d have me some PROBLEMS :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


does the sound quality matter if you throw the lo-fi and/or filter effect on every track?

asking for a friend.

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You know, there is hi-fi lo-fi and then there is lo-fi lo-fi
Don’t get me startet about ot-fi, because its a sampler having it’s own charakter (most samplers have that, I guess) but it’s being discussed for ages. Because some people seem to dislike that charakter and that keeps them from having fun with the ot :smiley:

Disappointing. I thought you only used OT shitty shifter! :content:

well…my thing is…
why keep using it if you’re not having fun with it? does having an OT make someone “cool” or “in the know”? its def not making someone a better musician, especially if they are not having fun with it. its the carpenter not the tools…right?

if you don’t like it, sell it. if you like it…have fun!


Logic was used for “joke timing” speed was of the essence. I could pull that off in seconds and get the joke in at the right moment. :wink:



Was truly perfect. I still laugh listening to it.


You really captured that 2016 smartphone DAC sound.


However, it is true that you have to distinguish samplers in 2 categories.

When talking about own character it’s most likely 8-12 bit sampling techniques. By the same token when a sampler is using analog parts in the signal flow.
For fully digital 16 bit or higher it’s another story and if a brand seriously wants personality to their sampler they could take advantage of FPGA technology then it would make more sense.

Something else, try to make a mixdown with 7 tracks on the OT and use a large dynamic range and also make use of a lot of placement in the stereo image with even extreme panning and make some sounds move in the stereo image. So a bit of the Future Sound of London style to get the idea. How detailed can the OT be this way?

hahaha nailed it!

Faster for me with OT! :content:
(barely use DAW since a decade).

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Imho it sounds fine, did that many times. Why not do the opposite? I’d really love to hear an example of OT ruining the sound.

You can find examples online with just OT or OT+AR etc. @AdamJay has a nice video on YT with OT and M:S which really sounds great!


Instead of pointing to AdamJay (I just looked on his channel and I don’t see examples with just (only) OT or OT+AR.) Why not give examples from yourself that has more of the elements from my suggestion?

Good idea. EVERYONE should share their audio examples of what ultra high audio fidelity is, compared to the OT.

Is there a sampler that in your opinion nails a mixdown like that?

I can dig something out, but I’d still like to hear an example in which OT ruins the sound.

Here’s M:S going into Microlimiter then into OT.


Its funny but without the hyphen and add a full stop the topic swings in a much more positive way.

Octatrack. Sound quality.


I know William Obit made complete mixdowns on his Akai S3200
Like in this song: