OT Sound Quality & FX

Yeah I guess so.
What ‘Circumstance’ refers to I would call a tap or multitap Dly, ala the old Digitech TSR24.
Again confusing as ‘tap’ these days refers to tap tempo!
Back on point to the Op, if you pan your signal to one side & send it thru the Dly with ‘X’ enabled it should bounce from side to side! Call it what you like.
With all the other points you’ve made tho I’d suggest that there’s either a lot of plocks, modulation or scene activity going on or that your machine is knackered.
Where are you based? Be good to get another forum member to check it out if there’s anyone near by.[/quote]
Thanks, I’m just outside Bournemouth on the South Coast if anyone is near?.. but it’s probably just new user error :slight_smile: I think I’ll do what I should have done when I first got the box and reset it to factory settings and clear everything.

(EDIT: Talking of clearing, apart from copying a blank track (which I may not always have), is there a quick and easy way to clear everything from a track? Machine, sample, patterns, plocks, FX, the whole lot in one go?)

Yeah, thanks, if I pan the original signal hard L or R, the stereo delay kicks in. But this effectively just sounds like the wet signal of what I’d expect a stereo ping pong to do if I had the original panned central.

So, with all this in mind. Is there a way to add a stereo delay / ping pong delay, whatever we’re calling it, like in my first example above, on a sample panned central, on the OT to give it a nice stereo FX width?

If not, no worries, would be nice, but not the end of the world :slight_smile:

Thanks, yeah already tried that. Couldn’t get much out of it until I got past 32, but by that point it had affected the dry signal’s stereo position too much

…i experience very sonic results with the ot…

…and we can’t discuss sound quality, if you seriously judge it while all you hear is nothing but a headphone amplification…

i say ping…you say pong…

Afaik the OT doesn’t work with ‘mono’ samples, aren’t they sorta converted to stereo (or 2 channel) once loaded (all tracks are stereo)… Maybe a nuance which is clouding expectation. Fairly sure the ‘pingpong’ worked out as i expected. Curious to investigate again

Very well put.


Afaik the OT doesn’t work with ‘mono’ samples, aren’t they sorta converted to stereo (or 2 channel) once loaded (all tracks are stereo)… Maybe a nuance which is clouding expectation. Fairly sure the ‘pingpong’ worked out as i expected. Curious to investigate again[/quote]
yep - the issue here is that you’re actually hearing a ping pong delay, but as the left and right channels are the same, you can’t easily tell (unless you adjust the balance (not PAN) - easy to verify with an obviously stereo sample, record a note on left channel and a different note with different dynamics on right at same time - then fire through the delay with default balance - if X (crossover) is off you’ll hear that the delay is true stereo, if X is on you’ll hear the echoes alternately swap sides - so the confusion is that you’re expecting the ping pong to work as a mono input ping pong would

if you adjust the balance on the stereo sample now, it’ll emphasise either of the notes and the ping pong will be even more obvious

@SB-SIX - I was not aware of this. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I learned something new today. :slight_smile:

@SB-SIX - I was not aware of this. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I learned something new today. :)[/quote]
well, you will hear the ping pong if there’s pronounced difference in the signal (left > right) ! if the original is at default balance (remember it is not a PAN)

Of all my Elektron boxes, the OT sounds the best followed closely by the A4. Then the AR. My foregone MD sounded the worst.

(p.s. if you do want to experiment with old school ping pong delays it can be achieved on the OT by setting up delays on different tracks panning them and feeding one into the other)

I was going to say of course the OT can produce a complex ping pong delay effect, just not in one effect slot. You can get most of the way there on one track if you use both effect slots for delay.

Another point to make is that we’re talking about a sampler here. You don’t even need a delay effect at all since you can just trig your samples to make them sound like a delay, param locking them to add panning, progressive fading, retriggering, etc.

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Thanks everyone. I think it’s safe to say the whole ping pong thing was a mixture of expectations and definition. It didn’t do what I expected my definition of a stereo ping pong would. No probs, there are workarounds. I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t user error or a technical fault preventing what I expected.

Anyone listened to the compression Vs non compression issues and examples a bit further ^^^? Any ideas why it’s doing this?


Hold function and note the change in graphic of the track level. It now controls main output level which should give you some more oomph.

I’m not sure I agree with this. For example, my Mac sounds completely different between built in sound card and my Apogee using headphone and monitors. It’s night and day in terms of punch, detail, freq response, sound stage and stereo image on headphones.
I use Focal CMS65, but only to do the final mix. The rest of the time for all production I use cans and have done for over 15 years. I’m sure there are loads of people who do the same, due to living arrangements.
I would have thought a machine in the OT price range would include a decent headphone amp. The amp is ok, but not great.
Other hardware I’ve owned over the years including Virus, Emu, Akai with their S and Z ranges, Roland in their MV range sound great in cans. So I think it is fair to seriously judge sound quality through the headphone-out, especially as this is how a lot of people work day to day.

Wow, thanks Lymtronics! This just solved the sound quality issue. The master was way down. Now it KICKS and I can hear all of the detail properly! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

See said it could be (was probably!) user error!

Have put a note on the original post to reflect this

Cool- glad you got it sorted!!


I have my OT sitting in the send bus of my mixer so I usually plug my headphones into the mixer instead of the OT. Gives me a better preview of what to expect when I rehearse with the band or play out, because the OT’s master volume only works for the headphone out, not the main out.

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