being a bit lazy here, but is there a quick/easy way to make the Machinedrum and A4 follow pattern changes from the OT’s song mode?
simple. what you want to do is set up your OT midi so that it sends pg chang to a spare channel. for example 16. then set up the other machines to listen for pg change on that same channel.
should just change on its own while the arranger is running. also keep in mind that octa track has double to banks. when changing to bank I pattern 7 you will send the A4 and MD back to the first bank A pattern 7.
Im trying to figure out if this can be done with the MFB Tanzbar? Thinking about buying one…
nice one - i was sure i’d done it before, but no dice at present.
i’ve got the elektron boxes set up so that the MD and A4 follow the OT’s program changes in ‘normal’ mode, but it doesn’t seem to want ot play in song mode…
sorry for the slow response - i’m not getting replies to the thread, even though i’m subscribed.
nothing is working
Hi there-
I use my AK this way, and 2 Bit is correct.
First set the Autochannel of the A4 and the MD to the same thing. Also set each box up to receive program changes and transport.
Then set the OT up in MIDI/SYNC/Prog ch by ticking the “send” box, then selecting the channel number that you picked for the other 2 boxes.
With all that set up correctly, your whole rig should move from pattern to pattern along with the OT’s arranger.
hey i’ ve been trying to get this going as well, with no results so far…
do i need to program CC in the MIDI sequencer of the Octatrack or not ?
ideally i want exactly this, that the A4 follows the Octa…
"Hi there-
I use my AK this way, and 2 Bit is correct.
First set the Autochannel of the A4 and the MD to the same thing. Also set each box up to receive program changes and transport.
Then set the OT up in MIDI/SYNC/Prog ch by ticking the “send” box, then selecting the channel number that you picked for the other 2 boxes.
With all that set up correctly, your whole rig should move from pattern to pattern along with the OT’s arranger."
I’ve tried this, but no succes. I must be missing something…
My question is: Do I need to program the program changes in Octatracks Midi Sequencer?
Where it says ‘Bank’ and ‘Program’ ?
Ideally, I dont want to do that, just switch patterns on the Octa would switch patterns on the A4 without having to program every program change send in every pattern of the Octa…
you must be missing something because its currently working right before my eyes.
its not very complicated so ill list it out concisely
MIDI setup is as follows in your case.
OT is master in your scenario so… OT midi out > A4 midi in then you need A4 THRU not A4 out > MD midi in.4
enter the octa project settings. fn+mixer and under midi> sync
check on transp, clock and prog ch send and also underneath prog ch send change the ch to the program change channel you wish to use. i use 16.
now enter the A4 project midi settings. fn+global and under midi sync
check on transp, clock and prog ch receive as well under midi channels change your prog ch in ch to your desired prog ch channel.
now enter the MD global settings. fn+global then select your global slot. under control you will find prg change turn program change in on and set your channel to your desired prog ch channel.
that should have the OT sending program change with and without the arranger active.
thanks 2 bit, it works now.
i think my Nord was sending some weird CC data as well
(I have that on the MIDI IN of the Octa, then going MIDI THRU from A4 back into the Nord, so I can use the midi sequencer from the Octa)
Now it’s working like a charm
glad to hear it.
I’ve got this working like a top.
One snag though, I’ll try and describe:
OT in arranger mode, Analog Keys following
Pattern A is 64 steps in length
Arranger setup to play pattern A1, then play pattern A1 only 4 steps, then pattern A1 again fully before switching to pattern A2.
Analog 4 or Keys or w/e just plays right through pattern A1 instead of only playing 4 steps when that part comes up where OT only does 4.
Anyone else experience this?
Possibly my firmware is dated, so figured I’d ask before griping or whatever
realized this is a4 question