This is a short step-by-step guide to create samplechain inside the OT.
This is for a 64 samples chain
1. Create an empty project
2. Bpm at 120
3. Make a 64 steps pattern - scale 1/8
4. In MEMORY menu reserve recording to Recorder1 till 512 steps (64*8=512)
Assign each one shot sample to static slots
On track1 put a trig on every step and sample-lock each one
trig1=sample in slot1
trig2=sample in slot2
….64 sample-lock trigs -
Recorder1 set to sample T1 for RLEN=max
with one-shot recorder trig on the first step -
Press play and let the samplechain creation to happen.
Then, from the Recorder1 menu, press FUNCT+PATTERN.
Select EDIT THIS RECORDING and create a 64 slice grid (NO zero crossing alignement)
The annoying thing is to cancel all the slots manually and put new samples in order to create another samplechain.
So i delete the project and create another one that needs the few above actions to be set correctly back again.
The important thing is, prior to delete the project, to copy the pattern. So when you re-create the new project, you paste the 64 samplelocks pattern and fill slots again with new samples.
If you want “faster” samplechain you change the scale and the value will dictate how long should be the RecorderBuffer (64*4=256)
If you want shorter samplchains (say, 16 samples) you need to have the right Memory reserved for the RecorderBuffer……So: 16*8=128 steps (if scale is set at 1/8).
Hope this helps a bit!