OT- sample preview (listen) not working

the [function] + [enter] button combo to preview (listen) to a sample or slice in the audio editor no longer works… anyone know why or how to fix ?


Tried reset? A new cf card?

Card is full, or almost full and you’re trying to record a big sample ?

You might have the track muted or the Level turned down? Or some other parameter that is interfering with the preview playing through the track.
When you preview in the Audio Editor, the track settings affect the sample.
Same thing if you preview a sample in the slot list, except that the playback gets affected by the currently selected track, not necessarily the track it is assigned to.

its working now…thank you everyone :slight_smile:

Same thing just started happening to me. I cleared the track trigs and reloaded the sample to a different slot and the preview worked again briefly. Then I switched to a different track and no more preview.

What did you end up doing to solve the problem?

Could this be something to do with the Preview running through the Track FX? This is the default behaviour for Preview.

When making checks try to shut off everything, like muting Scenes…etc,…

rikrak pointed to a correct direction

what is a big sample?

my opinion is preview has to be designed that way to overrule all exceptions which might prevent an audio coming through. I have this problem all the time and struggling with it, i could write more than 1000 lines about it. This preview design is not user friendly. It cannot be the case if there is an clear visible audio wave in the aed editor and i cannot preview it without making a total system check and finally forgot with this trouble what i wannted originally do. its an performence killer when there are situations you cannot preview your recording just made or your choice of a new sample, additiobnal accompanied very often card error with sandisk pro, very expensive.

Just a heads up, you can’t listen to a recording on track 8 if it is set to a master track, if I remember correctly. This might be something that’s tripping people up!

There’s also (again if I remember correctly) a setting for previewing without effects in the personalise menu, if this is upsetting people.