I’m working on building out a website to act as a sample library / database with the Octatrack in mind.
The website will allow you to search for samples by name, category, and type (i.e. loops, one shots, sample chains, etc.). Users will be able to create accounts, upload samples, download them, comment, and vote on samples.
Yes I know there’s the media section on this forum, but I really feel like it’s lacking in the usability department (same goes with most of this forum). Also I’m quite aware of the many different sample library websites out there, but I envision this as an OT specific trading post.
I’m a professional web developer and work is a little slow lately so I have plenty of time to work on this while at my office.
My questions are:
[li]Is this something you would use / contribute content & samples to?[/li]
[li]Is this just a dumb idea?[/li]
[li]Would you be willing to donate a very small amount of money periodically to help support hosting / domain?[/li]