OT Rec-Play-Overdub Electribe EMX

Hi! I’m interesting to buy an OT. But i can’t find on PDF/FORUM an answer to this:

I want to use it as looper, but with FLEX Machine, i have read there a way, in example i want to recording T1 and add overdub by setting INPUT to A-B and SRC3 to T1.


I want to do a semi-automated overdub for my Electribe EMX in this way:

  1. There’s a way to make this with OT?
  2. OT can Recording on the fly for example 4 bar and playback automatically after recording, all in live performance?

Thanks in advance!

My first thought is that the overdub with a FLEX machine would be dependant on sampling the main outs instead of T1 (together with inputs A/B).

If not, each time you record to T1 it will overwrite its own buffer (which playback reads from): which I think would render the results being that instead of layering each pattern as in your description (A1 + A2 + A3 and so on). It would just swap out the oldest one (A1 + A2 => A2 + A3 => A3 + A4). But I think that this might be possible to workaround by using main out as SRC 3 instead. Haven´t tried, hopefully others will chime in and confirm my theory…

My first thought is that the overdub with a FLEX machine would be dependant on sampling the main outs instead of T1 (together with inputs A/B).

If not, each time you record to T1 it will overwrite its own buffer (which playback reads from): which I think would render the results being that instead of layering each pattern as in your description (A1 + A2 + A3 and so on). It would just swap out the oldest one (A1 + A2 => A2 + A3 => A3 + A4). But I think that this might be possible to workaround by using main out as SRC 3 instead. Haven´t tried, hopefully others will chime in and confirm my theory…

If you mean to layering patterns on Electribe it’s not possible,on Electribe you can play A1 or A2, not play A1 + A2…

I want to recording A1 on OT in Track 1 and Playback immediately then
recording on the same track A2 with A1 played on Track 1 on OT… a kinda of looper with overdub, but with flex machine and not in pickup machine… ALL IN LIVE PERFORMANCE

I do not know if I explained well

you can sample from the inputs and an internal track at the same time on one recorder. in this case it’s probably easiest to lay down a recorder trig and set the sample sources from there. I’ve never tried playing back the same buffer while recording in that way, so you might have to bounce it back and forth between two tracks.

this is pretty much what pickup machines are made for though. if you’re using the OT as the clock master, that’s probably the easier way to go. you can always load the pickup sample into a flex machine if you want to slice it.

Thanks, another question, can OT Rec a sample and playback immediately after recording?
I want to Rec on OT a sample, than playback immediately.
Rec on T1 a pattern of Electribe
Playback immediately the sample recorded, but exclude Electribe from audio output after playback of the sample recorded… so i have time to change “things” on electribe while on OT the T1 is in Playing but with electribe excluded…

It’s possible to make this?

Yes, the OT has been designed to be able to do this. You can use the slider to cross fade from sampled ET and live ET. I don’t use the slider for this but with the knobs. I have a drum machine on a thru machine. Record the thru drums. Fade from thru drums to sampled drums. Mess around with sampled drums. Change the thru drum pattern/sounds. Fade back to the thru drums.

One trick I was able to do was to have someone speak into a mic and I would play back the sample immediately after recording it (pitching it down, laughs all around). You are able to shift the miro-timing of each step. So you could shift your record trigs to before the play trigs is reached. You might shift the play trigs later, I can’t remember. This way, the sample playback is mostly immediate. I haven’t tried this much with beat related music so I’m not sure how off it would be.

There will always be a latency between recording and playback. Much of this can be mitigated by shifting the play/record trigs.

You can defo do all of this without using the Pickup machines whatsoever. Trig based sampling will work far better for what you’re trying to achieve.

Tarekith has a few youtube vids that kind of explain what you’re after. Think he uses the old crossfader transition trick


Thanks people!

In those days watch more YT video on OT, because it’s a very interesting and powerful machine, but i had some doubts…

So… there’s no way to layering incoming sound (overdub) with OT using Flex Machines?

Ok guys i found in ableton live what i want to do in OT… the effect in ableton is called looper… simple, set the lenght example 1 bar, then record, play and add overdub, play, add overdub, play…and so on… there’s any way to make this effects on OT?


Yes it’s pickup machine mode, but i think is a limited “machine” because have a limited feaures, only loop, no sequencing and so on… this is why i have ask if there’s a solution with flex in any way!

Oh, sorry, I missed the part where you stated that this would be in a live performance.
I’m not sure how you would do all of that on one track.

If it were me I would use two tracks to accomplish this.
Track one to record the original A loop and then unmute track two and use that to play the Electribe through the OT when I triggered the Electribe’s B track, that way I could either grab a loop on track two or just leave the Electribe playing live through the OT and use it’s effects.
Then with track one highlighted I would be able to control the original loop in the OT and the External live loop from the Elecktribe.

If I wanted to merge the two I would ad a rec trig on tack two (or track three would probably be the easiest) and set it to record from Main.
Then I would trig that recorder for playback and mute track one (and track two if I used a third track) or something along those lines.

If you have other stuff playing on your other tracks then main will probably not work (which brings us back to setting a record trigs on one track)
The basics of that are:
1.Set a record trig to a record machine on the same track
2.Set a playback trig to that machine to play it back
3.Set another record trig to record to a different machine then set a playback trig to playback that other machine

Dunno if that helps.

Im kinda saying the same thing but hopefully more to the point

You could have 2 tracks

Track 1 - Pickup machine, which is a looper, so you can overdub at will

Track 2 a flex machine sampling track 1

Which will enable you to directly cut up your loop and mess about with it
(you are very restricted with Looper machines, in what you can do to the sampled data, if you dont convert it to a flex machine)

Good point, I hadn’t thought of using track one as a pickup machine.
Makes plenty of sense.

Yeah, pickup machine can probably do that. I don’t really use this.

you can have a pickup whose recording buffer is recording1
and au flex whose buffer is the same, so you don’t need to record with the flex, it’s in !