I’m curious about the manual comment about Pickup machines that
It is not possible turn off timestretch for Pickup machines.
I’m currently thinking of buying and i got a bit concerned this might mean that an algorithm would always be used to process the recorded loops, but in retrospect i’m guessing it covers the cases where the tempo gets changed !
does it imply that any particular stretch method is employed, ie can you get ableton style or tape speed style stretching
can there be any assurances that the stretching is not always on even if you don’t adjust tempo - perhaps it sounds okay, but i wonder if anyone has dug into this
how about any A4 owners:
i’m loving my A4, but i’m late to the Elektron party, so i may be spoiled with expectation regarding the sophistication of its interface and the scope of its tweakability
i’m thinking in particular about plocking, is it more restricted (as w MD)
and LFO depths don’t seem to be as deep/fine (may not matter in OT context)
i guess i wondered if any OT & A4 users were keen to chime in with comparisons or insights
i’m keen to use the OT in a textural/improvisational/indeterminent role, using creative sampling aot drum samples (think My life in the Bush of Ghosts) - some glitchy too, but it’d need to be a very quick workflow or be as accessible as the A4 features are
i’m never gonna set up some songs to play and remix, that’s not my thing, i’d like to hear insights on octatrack as instrument
ie can it do more than i can do in Max with a few controllers ?
What i feel about OT is that it can leave you in complete freedom…growing patterns with one shot trigs and more. It can really go organic.
The stretch algorithm is not the best around. But filtering and reverberating can mask this.
But if you ask compared to Max…i’m not good in using it, i used it one time…but with Max, i believe, you can do alot of things happening on OT, of course more than it (all depends from programming)…but an Elektron box is always a beautiful thing…and OT is bittersweet…and… very Huge FuN!
Thanks, it’s the stretch algorithm that potentially bothers me, i’d rather be able to set up a pickup machine and know that it will remain untouched by algorithm, unless i change tempo, i do feel encouraged that the workflow can seem organic - that’s important, i imagine the whole experience is good, but a few details may cloud things for my expected primary usage - the more i’ve read, the more powerful it seems, but like with the A4, the important thing is that the core sound is good and the interface is within reach if you learn the moves - grazie mille !
In my experiences, an PickUp doesn´t use any algorithm until tempo changes. Not that bothers me anyway. Although, I should state that I haven´t tried with any material/source where my aim was that it would sound perfectly clean (i e perfect digital copy). I guess the only one who really can answer that question before purchase would be Elektron Support.
However, it is a bit hard to determine if any of the limitations that the OT got (because it got limitations, that´s certain), are any that will be troublesome for you in the end.
Would you like to elaborate of how you´re gonna try to use an Octatrack?
EDIT: a quick check revealed that whenever you´re recording something into the PickUp machine. It is “untouched” by any algoritm. Until you change pitch. However, if you change pitch and go back to original pitch it seems to actually go back to that “untouched” version again.
I guess that this means that you´re not able to do any tape speed magics, if that is what I think you mean: slower tape speed when recording yielding faster speed in loop playback when raising pitch?
In regard to Ableton, I´m unfortunately unable to confirm or un-confirm any similarities in methods/behaviours compared to the OT. Because I have no experience with Ableton (well last time I used it were many OS versions ago)…
Many thanks for insights, I’m surprised that pitch is not in an inversely proportional to tempo as a relationship option at least. Easiest to do, so I expected it as an option, I guess it depends how the audio is used internally. Tape metaphors may not be appropriate ! Sounds like a question for support/devs