I am afraid that something is wrong with my OT. I have this problem (of which I am quite sure I didn’t have with my other OT):
When using Track 8 as Master Track with Delay as FX2 and Scenes with Send=0 for Echo Freeze / Stutter effect, I am having really bad glitches and noise whenever I fade into or back from a scene, that has a different Time Parameter locked on it than the original parameter.
So…Here is an example:
Original Time Parameter: 32 (not locked, just original Master Track Setting)
New Scene Time Parameter: 32
= everything works perfect
New scene Time Parameter: 4,8,16,64 or anything else
= terrible noise like scratching on a vinyl
Changing the Original Time Parameter to 64 for example and then fading into in a new scene with the Same value (64) works Perfect again. However, fading now into a scene with any other Time Value (e.g. 32) will again result in Bad noises, that really Sound like something was broken in the Unit.
I have Tested this also with the Full CultofSP1200 Sample Pack, where you have two of These “Echo Freeze / Stutter” scenes one Each Part, its always on scene 2 & 3. While Fading into scene 3 works Perfect, using scene 2 Results in the described Problems and this can’t be Right, especially since its the Default settings of the Loopmaster Sample Packs and also I dont remember having that Kind of Problems with my other OT, that I have just sold.
I Hope You unterstand my Problems and that you can help me. Is it possible, that somehow the Unit or the Delay fx is broken? Do You Understand how I described my Problem? Have you ever Heard something like that before?
Sorry for my Bad english…
Thanks for your help!