OT Problem: Noises when using Echo Freeze / Stutter


I am afraid that something is wrong with my OT. I have this problem (of which I am quite sure I didn’t have with my other OT):

When using Track 8 as Master Track with Delay as FX2 and Scenes with Send=0 for Echo Freeze / Stutter effect, I am having really bad glitches and noise whenever I fade into or back from a scene, that has a different Time Parameter locked on it than the original parameter.

So…Here is an example:
Original Time Parameter: 32 (not locked, just original Master Track Setting)
New Scene Time Parameter: 32
= everything works perfect
New scene Time Parameter: 4,8,16,64 or anything else
= terrible noise like scratching on a vinyl

Changing the Original Time Parameter to 64 for example and then fading into in a new scene with the Same value (64) works Perfect again. However, fading now into a scene with any other Time Value (e.g. 32) will again result in Bad noises, that really Sound like something was broken in the Unit.

I have Tested this also with the Full CultofSP1200 Sample Pack, where you have two of These “Echo Freeze / Stutter” scenes one Each Part, its always on scene 2 & 3. While Fading into scene 3 works Perfect, using scene 2 Results in the described Problems and this can’t be Right, especially since its the Default settings of the Loopmaster Sample Packs and also I dont remember having that Kind of Problems with my other OT, that I have just sold.

I Hope You unterstand my Problems and that you can help me. Is it possible, that somehow the Unit or the Delay fx is broken? Do You Understand how I described my Problem? Have you ever Heard something like that before?

Sorry for my Bad english…

Thanks for your help!

This sounds normal to me.

The delay engine will make some weird noise when changing the TIME while it is set to LOCK and TAPE is OFF.

Try setting TAPE ON to get different results for the sound during TIME change.