i set up a few tracks with different instruments pattern … when playing live i want to start/stop them quantized i used the ‘plays free’ option to do so… as an example i’m on pattern A1 when i hit T1 my Kickdrum track starts, T2 the Snare track and so on … now i want to change to pattern A2 to have some beat variation
unfortunately all tracks are stopping now
can this beaviour configured somehow?
When you change to a new pattern, trigs from the old pattern will no longer be trigged because the sequencer no longer plays trigs from that pattern. But if the Start Silent option is off, samples and effects in each track from the old pattern will remain audible until the sequencer reaches a trig in that track in the new pattern (or until the amp envelope reaches the end of the release). In other words, switching patterns stops all sequencer (trig) playback of the previous pattern but not sample/effect playback unless Start Silent is turned on.
Forum member Biologik developed a workaround for this. Use looping samples, tracks with infinite release, and turn Start Silent off. So when you switch to a new pattern, loop playback continues until the sequencer reaches a trig in the new track-pattern. This could be very handy combined with live sampling. There is a thread for this on the old forum and he also made a video for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMhA8a6SiMU
I really wish it could be configured that way too. I think it would make things much more flexible and help alleviate the common problem of cutting off fx tails when muting tracks.