My studio consists of OT, MM,A4, evolver, sem, and some effects.
The OT is the hearth of my setup for sure. Sometimes I make tracks only with that, it’s the first thing I turn on.
I use it mainly for drums and stabs, and sometimes I sample my own gear or some vinyl. The only problem I have is that often I have not enough tracks. So I need something extra for my sampling needs but what?
I just can not make up my mind.
My options I have thought about:
A second OT: pro; no learining curve, I loooooove it, not that many extra tracks but enough I think. Cons: expensive, no new flair or sound in the studio
MPC1000 with JJos: pro: enough sampling tracks, I have seen a video with the grid programming with jjos and it seems a very quick way to program velocity changes,(not quickly done with the OT), relatively cheap cons: the sound maybe? I like a 90s sound, and from what I have read!! this sounds very hi-fi
Sampler: pro: vintage samplers have a certain sound or crunch (s950, s760, e6400), rel cheap. cons: no new sequencer, some have ancient file storage or no wav support
I’m clueless, anyone can help me what could be my next best step?
you can have too much of a good thing - get something new if you are happy you’ve exhausted re-sampling and sample chains with the OT - the A4 could take care of drums for you from time to time, freeing up some OT tracks - that’s a good amount of top-drawer gear to keep most folks going !
The A4 can do some drums but I’m not a big fan of it. I like my drums and percussion more “classic” ala TR range. So my OT is filled up with samples of them which I use every time.
That MPX8 looks kinda nice, but it lacks sample editing functions and has no sample input? Or I’m missing something.
I think I’m basicly torn between: will like a mpc add more sequencing mojo or should i use the midi out of my OT to use with a sampler…
What about a Korg ESX-1? It functions in basically the same way as an OT, doesn’t it?
Although I have never used one and I have no idea about the editing samples part of it, I’m kind of looking to buy one to accompany my OT.