OT needs a buddy

My studio consists of OT, MM,A4, evolver, sem, and some effects.
The OT is the hearth of my setup for sure. Sometimes I make tracks only with that, it’s the first thing I turn on.

I use it mainly for drums and stabs, and sometimes I sample my own gear or some vinyl. The only problem I have is that often I have not enough tracks. So I need something extra for my sampling needs but what?

I just can not make up my mind.
My options I have thought about:

  • A second OT: pro; no learining curve, I loooooove it, not that many extra tracks but enough I think. Cons: expensive, no new flair or sound in the studio
  • MPC1000 with JJos: pro: enough sampling tracks, I have seen a video with the grid programming with jjos and it seems a very quick way to program velocity changes,(not quickly done with the OT), relatively cheap cons: the sound maybe? I like a 90s sound, and from what I have read!! this sounds very hi-fi
  • Sampler: pro: vintage samplers have a certain sound or crunch (s950, s760, e6400), rel cheap. cons: no new sequencer, some have ancient file storage or no wav support

I’m clueless, anyone can help me what could be my next best step?

you can have too much of a good thing - get something new if you are happy you’ve exhausted re-sampling and sample chains with the OT - the A4 could take care of drums for you from time to time, freeing up some OT tracks - that’s a good amount of top-drawer gear to keep most folks going !

If you’re just looking to free up tracks
What about an Akai MPX8 midi’ed into the OT? 99$ and u got eight more samples to work with

The A4 can do some drums but I’m not a big fan of it. I like my drums and percussion more “classic” ala TR range. So my OT is filled up with samples of them which I use every time.

That MPX8 looks kinda nice, but it lacks sample editing functions and has no sample input? Or I’m missing something.

I think I’m basicly torn between: will like a mpc add more sequencing mojo or should i use the midi out of my OT to use with a sampler… :confused:

when I first saw the MPX8 I immediately wished Akai Pro made a larger more feature filled version of it… maybe a replacement for the MPC 500 or 1000

I am kinda wishing something like that will be unveiled at NAMM

Me too!
an updated 500 would be so cool.

What about a Korg ESX-1? It functions in basically the same way as an OT, doesn’t it?
Although I have never used one and I have no idea about the editing samples part of it, I’m kind of looking to buy one to accompany my OT.

An iPad and some choice apps would give you lots of OT food.

my iPad definitely feeds my OT some good food…however, one area I find a little lacking is in the drum department

ESX is very interesting but kinda limited… as an augment to a larger kit it might be excellent tho

sound is crunchy as hell, its more on the lofi end of things for sure… the “tube” thing is pretty interesting too

Ableton + Push are great with the OT.

If you don’t want software, I would wait and see what the new Elektron machine is before you do anything. If it can’t sample, how about a MD-UW?

yeah mono or a4 would be a good idea

Another suggestion would be Maschine. It is a-mazing. So easy to use and you can pretty much keep your laptop lid closed the entire time you use it.