OT+Monomachine template, levels etc.?


I’m trying to create a template project for routing the Monomachine through the OT, and I’m struggling a bit, especially on how to set the levels. I thought I’d make this thread into something somebody else could also benefit from.

Concerning the level settings: I’m thinking compressor on a THRU track, but I’m really not sure on the appropriate settings on:

The compressor
Monomachine master output
OT input levels/OT track levels/OT master out levels.

Other settings:

Octatrack AUDIO CC IN unchecked
Octatrack AUDIO CC Out: INT
Octatrack AUDIO NOTE IN: off

OT transp send ON
OT clock send ON
Prog ch send ON

Any insight, especially on the levels? I know many people here are masters (ehm Dataline) with working the machines together, so I thought I’d ask. I’d really appreciate any help. Thanks!

One thing is really confusing me…

I can’t get a signal from the monomachine to the Octatrack that is anywhere close to 0 before the monomachine starts clipping internally.

Is this normal?

I’m no expert, but FWIW I find level setting on Elektrons can be a bit of a dark art. Mostly this is because there are so many different ways to affect the signal level – even on one instrument, let alone more. But I do run the mono through the OT a lot, so I’ll try to help.

First off: Are you using the mono for percussive sounds or more “typical” tonal stuff? (Or both?)

Also, are you using the mono’s main outs only, or more?

I don’t have a monomachine, but you can turn up the gain on the octatrack inputs on the mixer page.

Just the main outs, and pretty typical stuff.
I found out a piece of information that could be the key to solving the puzzle… Cenk mentioned on the old EU forum that he always sets the OT main outs to ~+45, and turns the internal tracks down so he can get the input levels to match the OT internals…
This could work.

Or, you could turn the gain on the OT input up… One adjustment VS 9 adjustments… Your choice.

Yeah, sorry, I didn’t thank for your tip. I have increased the gain on inputs A&B in the mixer… thing is, the signal is still too low in comparison to the internal OT tracks, so I have to resort to some additional finetuning. :-o

Wow, that thing must have a low output… If you are using a mixer in your setup maybe you could route the mono from the mixer to the octatrack and get more gain.
My preference for setting the level at the input is so that any samples I record from the input and then save will already be at the appropriate level with no fiddling around needed after re-loading. good luck!