I have a problem:
I use my OT to play a drum pattern, then add layers of chords and stuff.
I start a 64 long pattern, I set the QREC to 64, QPL 64, Trig ONE2, LOOP ON,
FIN 0.063, FOUT 0.125, RLEN MAX, Quantize live rec Checked.
Start to run, and when I feel it’s ok I press the record, It will start to sample at the beginning of the next 64 pattern, after a whole pattern is played and it started again the 64 I press the rec again, so at the end of this pattern the recorder will stop.
Now I have a 128 long chord progression.
I place a one shot trigger, and start to run the sequencer.
In theory the sample is exactly 128 long and it is looped so it should go in sync with the drum pattern, but unfortunately after a while they go out of sync, in 2 minutes becomes so out of phase that it is unusable.
Am I missing something or this is just the way it works?
Try making your initial recorder trig a one shot, maybe the timing is getting off based on your disengage.
have you solved your problem?
Maybe it is the fout-setting: Manual says:
“If for example recording occurs for 16 steps and
FOUT is set to 2, the total length of the sample will be 18 sequencer steps. This parameter behaves differently for Pickup machines.”
So by using FOUT your recording is some small amout longer than your recorded steps-setting shows.
That means, it may get out of sync with other tracks of the sequencer.
An easy fix would be a) to use no FOUT or b) set the length of the sample in the editor to the exact amout of steps you want (timestretch-algorithm should do the rest).
I hope this helps.
Andrew Nast, Metageist thanks for the tips.
The solution was the second tip.
Actually it is in the manual, and I’ve read it, but my mind was thinking like in the case of any audio editor when you apply a fade out to a sample, the sample length won’t change just the volume of the last part.
With FOUT at 0, the 128 long sample will loop in sync with the drum pattern for ages.