OT live set. Snippet

Greetings !

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on Soundcloud !
I have been writing a lot, however, and incorporating the AR into my workflow. The results of this writing have been added to my OT live set, and here is a snippet of it. All music is written on the OT, A4, AR, and Tempest. Tracks are then bounced and put back into the OT, which is then used as a space age DJ setup.
Enjoy !

Love it!
Some Minilogue influence but more techy.
Did you master it your self? If so good work!

Nice one, Steph! Always inspiring to hear about your hardware workflow and what it gets you. Hope you get to gig this material.

Thank you guys !
Yes, everything is done in house, I engineer and master everything myself, the only tracks that go through proper mastering are the ones that come out.
I am gigging this material indeed, got some tracks signed to KMS so I’m planning a little Canada / States tour :slight_smile: Keep you updated !

That set sounds so great and easy going! :slight_smile:

I dig those percussions.
