OT lessons?

I love you. Like in the deepest and frankly most inappropriate ways. That’s what it was and I remember Ricky Tinez doing that in the video where he explains cue muting that I still can’t get to work.

Oh good. Every time I turn my OT on, do I
this with every thru track.

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Any idea why my Keystep triggers the OT to play when I hit a certain key?

Midi notes trigger tons of functions on OT, if you want to play chromatically there’s a small range of midi notes that trigger Your track but a bunch of notes do other things


So old manual version!
@darenager and @eangman ! :wink:


I got a mixer ( and a green smoothie) Analog Heat is amazing but I really want to focus on the OT so I’m returning it for now. But, I am Dawless now!!!.


Drinks are not allowed in that area. (only illegal ones! :smile:)

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Hey folks

Ran into my first ‘why the !#$%!@$% can’t i hear anything’ moment. I seem to have done something such that on one track, I can only hear audio when the track is cued. (audio coming out of ‘cue’, not main). When the track is not cued, no audio coming from main.

I’ve ruled out scenes (xvol). I am not in studio mode (though that didn’t help); I do not have ‘cue mutes track’ on. Main track level is up. Track is no muted. What am I missing???

Your humble etc etc,

Are you listening on headphones? If so, maybe you have your headphone mix set to CUE.

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Yes, using headphones, but the mix is in the middle. And when I slide it over to Main only, I get no audio, cued or uncued.

Did you try to mute scenes? (Fn+Scene A/B)

Will try that tonight, thanks! I did (I think) assign two new blank scenes, and move the fader, with no luck.

This is a subjective question, but coming off a DAW im used to looking at my frequencies and gain staging, How do you guys handle this stuff?

Basically my low end is feeling muddy and I got crap rock n roll ears

Ah, revenge of the neighbor track. All sorted… Feel like a fool. :roll_eyes:

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Nice thread!

check the volume of your recorded samples in the sample editor. they should have a pretty ‘quiet’-looking waveform.
Use the VOL in the amp page to set relative levels in your tracks, rather than boosting the track LEV.
if you keep the volume under control, your recordings should sound good. Gotta give things headroom though.
re frequencies, the obvious answer is: use the EQ, resample if necessary. Always gotta use your ears with the DT, it’s good for you. I guess the other option is to run into yr computer and check a meter/scope in there. Maybe do it a few times as a reference while you get a feel for the overall signature of the OT and where the frequencies sit with the EQ and filters?

I’ve got a question, why when I load my default project I made do I have to then press reload to get it to actually load the project?
Also should my samples in Audio folder be in same folder as my projects?

It will be loaded as you left it. You need to reload it to recall its saved state.
You can do a Save As New before tweaking your project. Save the just after.

They just have to be in the Set folder. If you want to copy / move / backup a project with its samples, there are PURGE and COLLECT SAMPLES functions if you want to copy all samples in your project folder.
There is a Personalize setting allowing you to choose your project folder for recordings.


Oh, cool. Forgot about purge. Gotta love this forum.