OT Instant Pattern Switch


pehaps there is a way but i don’t think so and that is why this is more a feature request.

You probably know this from the DSI tempest when it is possible to switch between patterns at the given position instantly.
I.e. if you are in pattern-1 bar-1 step-8 and you switch to pattern-2 you go instantly to pattern-2 bar1- step-9.
This is a way you could create amazing breaks and variations without using scenes!
And I don’t think that this is too hard to implement since you can switch instantly to patterns but it resets the next paterrn to bar-1 step-1…

Would be nice if the elektron guys give us, users, some feedback on such requests if something is possible or not or is good idea to think about or whatever. in general some kind of attention…

arranger mode …


I mean something intuitive. you know, breaks and stuff. arranger mode isn’t what i’m asking for…

anybody else?

Yo can do this on the AR apparently (and the A4?). I doubt it’s gonna happen but I would definitely like the option. I really liked doing it on the Electribes, it’s a great way of building new rhythms.

i realise it’s not ideal but it’s the only way currently to achieve the result, albeit through programming rather than live playing.

i totally agree with you though. legato mode for pattern switching with pattern number assignable to scenes selectable with the crossfader would be ubercool…

Sorry to butt in here guys, I’ve been trying to arrange songs on an Octatrack and when I change between patterns that change the part I get a kind of weir delay sound that stops the transitions from being smooth - do any of you know what this is and how to stop it? Many thanks!

You can put the OT in instant pattern switch mode. My OT is at my studio so I can’t tell you the the exact sub-folder, but it’s in the “Project” folder somewhere. Yes, A4 has this capability as well. Wish the Machinedrum drum did. I’m sure the AR will.

^^you can but it does not change in a “legato” fashion. the next pattern will still start on the first beat. op is talking about “legato” mode switching (as in ableton live if you’re familiar with the clip launch modes there) which is where the fun really begins…

try turning on “starts silent” for your tracks in the pattern settings of the pattern you are switching to…

Awesome, I’ll try this - thanks for your help!

This option is highly needed !

This option is highly needed ![/quote]
yeah! i think that perhaps the problem is the unique behavior of each pattern. 16 steps x1 --> 24 steps x2/3. but there could be also a solution for this…

+1 … for legato mode :slight_smile:

+1 was just about to post about this, for some reason I thought it was possible,

On A4 you press FUNCTION + BANK GROUP to switch pattern modes. Default mode is Sequential, which is like the OT. But then there is also Direct Start, which changes pattern instantly but plays the new pattern from start, and there is Direct Jump, which is like Abletons Legato mode - the new pattern starts where the other one left off.

+1 that this would be cool to have on the OT for sure. Unless there is some way to do it already?

And, hopefully, this will work on AR…

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What? Is this some kind of hack you can do? As far as I know the fastest transition you can do is 2/16…?

+1 for legato pattern switching

+1 indeed