OT Filter tips - band pass?

anyone have some tips on how to use the OT’s filter as a bandpass? even when I pull both HP and LP knobs inward, I always seem to adjust some settings that affect both or none of them. I can’t seem to figure out a way to get a sweeping bandpass filter out of the two…

Afaik, the width parameter would be the width of the filter (in-between where the slopes start) and base should move the filter’s frequency center/left slope point.

So try with a low width setting and then sweep the base knob. Slope and resonance options in the setup page to taste


That’s pretty much it!

Set the width to about 35, resonance to midway, then sweep the base. Adjust to taste. On the second filter page you can choose which filter has resonance.

I’d assign the sweep to the cross fader for smooth sweeps.


oh wow! thanks yall for the quick replies.

this is embarrassing…I’ve been adjusting both BASE and WIDTH knobs at the same time, like they were both sides of a HPF and LPF…

so in this band pass filter mode, is the WIDTH parameter bipolar? like, does increasing the WIDTH from 0-127 (with BASE at say, 64) move both filter frequencies outward or does it mainly only move the LPF?

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No, it only moves the LP part of the filter. The BASE moves both HP and LP, making that the effective BP when WIDTH is low enough for it to take effect.

edit: I guess to address what you’re implying, WIDTH will clip at 127, even if BASE is higher than 0. So, with BASE at say, 64, setting WIDTH above 64 would have no additional effect on the sound.


Width is the perfect description. The Base is the high-pass filter cutoff point and Width is tied to it. A small Width setting brings the low-pass filter cutoff point close to the high-pass filter cutoff point. Moving Base with a low Width setting is very much like a band-pass filter. A high Width setting means that the low-pass filter is mostly fully open unless the Base is very low. I hope that makes sense.


Ah, I always viewed the Base as the HPF cutoff point! I guess it doesn’t make much of a difference except on the boundaries


You’re right! Amending my comment. Mixed up my high and low passes!


Wow thank you all for a very helpful discussion! Now I must admit that I feel very silly previously setting BASE and WIDTH to the same number value and just sweeping both knobs simultaneously…


Sometimes I think the OT’s true purpose is to bring humility to us all :sweat_smile:

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exactly like that just yesterday. i was also thinking those two knobs make for a lowpass and highpass with each one being independent. amazing I found this out after three years now lol

Filter is a band pass with adjustable width!