OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

So you don’t want an Octatrack?

I’m confused.

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I want an OT to be able to do what I want / need, and at £1,400 or so, I think I’d reasonably expect to persevere fruitfully. Was just sarcastic about the rest / still trying to figure if I can make it work. Also nothing wrong with BD-ts-BD-ts, there are some good ones incl. actual musicians with live acts. Problem is when it’s suggested that nothing else can possibly exist.

So far, it’s seems it’s barely more than a better sounding (?) Korg ESX with only modestly improved capacity, some great features alright (really want that paramter grouping slider), but one also ruined by over-organisation by virtue of matrioshka enforcement, which the ESX does not do btw. Patterns, parts, done. I am still hoping I can prove myself wrong & grab an OTmkII.

Price is irrelevant, either it does what you need or it doesn’t (and it sounds to me like it doesn’t).

This comment suggests more research needs to be done.


Both true, indeed:
Doing what I need is what I am trying to find out (price improves likeliness through quality & effort invested).
Part of research is asking around in these forums.

Yeah, it just sounds to me like there’s a mixture of too many potential dealbreakers and expectations that just can’t be met.

I’m gonna say it’s probably not for you.

I agree with @christianlukegates, building something in Max and using a couple of controllers might be your best bet.


Do what most people do: buy it and if you don’t like it then sell it. No amount of questioning will truly satisfy you. Why would you accept anyone else’s opinion or validation? Just buy it, spend some days with it and then come back and and tell us all how shit it sounds. You won’t be the first or last!

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…don’t get me wrong…as mentioned, xactly for such basic purposes, there is no other hw/non computer thing/device/intrument out there to find that can let u do this…
so start to think outside of the box and work beyond and with it’s obvious limitations, to find out that ot can do ALL that, but won’t check all ur upfront whishlist in the way u think right now…

Wouldn’t it be just lovely if we’d have a new trig mode option for… wait for it…. Waaait:

Instant pattern switching!

:fireworks: :partying_face:

But it’s been wayyy too quiet lately when it comes to updates…

I was thinking about the lack of a gate again, and someone way back in 2013 already mentioned it in this thread but a toggle switch in the second page of the compressor to turn it into an expander/gate would be a really nice addition. There’s some musical effects that I’d like to be able to try that just aren’t possible without some kind of gate.

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I have really been wanting a noise gate on the crossfader. Would be really great for turning breaks into really staccato chopped versions of themselves.

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One example of use of gate that I’m thinking of is here in one of the sounds in this track by the late great Ryuichi Sakamoto -

Would love to be able do that with samples in the OT.


The stuttering effect of gate being triggered on and off at its threshold could be faked a bit with custom LFO?

Kinda but it’s not the same as using the natural threshold of the waveform. I did get a similarish effect the other night with the gate on the plate reverb so I’m going to play around with that a bit more. Would love to just have a proper gate available though.

Amazing music.

Something a bit similar can be achieved with the plate reverb using its gate function and short reverb time on a neighbour track while having a longer reverb time on a dark reverb on the actual playback track.

Not the same thing but still useful for stuff like this.

edit: I noticed your latest post after replying to your earlier one haha. But yeah, the plate reverb, kinda.

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An envelope follower for the incoming audio and track outputs that can be used as a mod source would be insane.

Preferably with modulatable settings.


Yeah one of my biggest requests for a Mk.3 Octatrack would be the ability to use tracks’ audio as a wave source for the LFOs. That would allow for sidechain compression effects amongst many other goodies.


Still scratching the surface of the OTmk2 and it is great as is, but no harm in putting ideas out there, right? All sequencer related:

Like, tracker-style fx/tables would be fun, but in an Elektron implementation.

And I like the extended boolean logic and random cv stuff that is available in modular. Oh, and the interdepence of tracks, like in the Circlon.

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i thought the p locks were tracker style fx lanes? and what do you mean by tables? i know the ot but am kinda new to tracker verbage haha

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Yes, plocks come close. However, on a tracker fx lane you can for instance start a volume (or any parameter really) swell on a trigger, that continues until you stop it. So you put this swell start on 1 and the stop on 32, and all trigs in between gradually rise in volume, without having anything to program. You could say that locks are trig-specific and the tracker fx allow for ranges to be affected.

Then tables are like mini sequencers in which you program a riff, arp, filter sweep, etc. Then a trig triggers the tabel, which is a very clean way of sequencing.

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thanks! great explanation