OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Oh how I would wish that we could preview a trig whether it is a Plock or a soundlock!
It would make Octatrack so much faster and easier to use. As it is now we have to wait for the whole sequencer length before we can listen to our sound again.
This is really my top feature request for OT.

Please Elektron let’s have previewing of sound locks and Plocks.

(Yes I can paste the sound to another pattern with a short sequencer length but this feature would be much better)


Pattern Mutes +1
Pattern Save States (undo/redo) +1
Reload Sequences +1


Pickup machine auto tempo sync as an option only (be able to set a tempo manually)

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Is there any idea if in a future firmware update could be added sending midi from trigs in audio mode? If I’m not wrong, Octatrack only sends LFO.
It could be a tricky question having both midi and audio tracks sending midi but it would also be useful to trigger external events in sync without needing to use a duplicated pattern in the midi mode.


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Zero chances for a future firmware update^^

Go to Project Menu -> Midi -> Control, then set “Audio CC Out” and “Audio Note Out” to “int+ext”.
Knobs will transmit midi cc, trigs will send notes.

If you have audio and midi tracks share the same midi channel, audio tracks can only receive midi and midi tracks can only send midi.


Precision : with audio tracks, midi Notes and CCs are not sent with the sequencer.

I’d also like to trigger videos with audio tracks sequences for example, modulate visual fx with the crossfader CCs…


well, the crossfader can send out CC messages. you just need to map them to on the receiving end

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Yes, but it’s a pity you can’t use sequenced audio tracks to send midi notes. Well, possible to trigger audio tracks with midi loopback and midi tracks, eventually with arp. Use midi thru to send midi. In that case you don’t have to duplicate tracks.

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I think that this have been talked ton of times, but please elektron if you (I wish you) are planning on add or fix some of the features on the octa, I would be the happiest man on this world if you just fix the annoying mute mode octa has, please don’t mute the tail on the sounds, I think is the only elektron machine it does, and it gets me mad :frowning:

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It shoud be technically possible, as mutes in Arranger don’t cut tails.
(Btw it’s interesting to test it)


If I understand well, mutes in the arranger are part of the sequencer (they mute trigs), mutes on the frontpanel are part of the mixer (they mute tracks). So a question: when muting, in the arranger a looping sample with release=max, hold=max it will not stop playing, but when muting the track it will, is that correct?


Yes, correct. Arranger mutes won’t mute looping samples, fx tails etc.

Track mutes mute audio at the moment you press the track mute button.

I tried to get around that behaviour with using scenes (Xvol), but that gets pretty confusing quickly and also isn’t very flexible (unless you set up all possible track combinations and lose your mind^^)


Another problem with Arranger’s mutes : no visual feedback, track leds don’t change.


The moment I became aware of this I stopped trying to use the arranger. I can’t keep mentally keep track of what’s muted or not on every device I use, I need the track mute states to be visible. But because arranger mutes are handled by a different subsystem than track mutes, I doubt this will ever be adressed


Isn’t also that when a track is muted (Function+Track/Mixer), an arranger mute command would actually unmute the track?

Logically regular track mutes should override Arranger mutes. I don’t think their state is linked. To be tested.

one request for OT…if possible…

more octaves for sample playback.

don’t expect there will be anymore features for this box…but…why not ask right?


Bring back pre-slices as they were before !

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Again, it would be much easier for precise and fast workflow without this auto zoom in the AED.

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Don’t know if this is a repeat request but often I find all my gear hooked up to the octatrack and I’m just noodling long hours without the clock running on a piece of gear I.d like to be able to just record for a long duration direct to the cf card and not be limited to the 8min. Is there no way to bypass the limit to record on the Octatrack? I know I can just use a recorder but don’t we have it all in the octatrack to just enable it in itself? Btw I’m married to this thing.

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