So I have a bunch of audio files recorded from the Analog Four at 88 bpm. I’ve renamed all the files so that they are called ‘one 88bpm’, ‘two 88bpm’ et cetera. I thought this would help the OT guess the BPM of the tracks, but it doesn’t. It sets the BPM’s all over the place. Ok, fair enough, I’ll just set the BPM manually in the file attribute menu. But even if I set the BPM in there to 88 bpm, the audio is stretched as hell, and nowhere near what it originally was. It doesn’t matter if I match the tempo of the sequencer to the audio.
How the hell should I fix this? Any suggestions much welcomed!
Goddamn, this is annoying. I have now upgraded to OS from 1.25 to 1.25b, just in case that was the problem, but no.
The funny thing is, even if I go into the attributes of the audio file and change its BPM to something different, anything - it won’t change the playback of the sample one bit.
Has anyone else noticed this? Or have I maybe rendered out wave files that the Octatrack can’t read properly?
Hang on! The bounced wave files turned out to be the problem. I had bounced them in 96000 hz instead of 41000 hz. The Octa could obviously read the 91k ones, but not edit the BPM of them.