OT as a Performance Mixer, but what are the other options?

The XONE 96 has also 2x Mono in, for line level, so called microphone ports. Could for sure be abused, for another set of stereo input. (Didnt try it yet.)

You would loose whatever you had on channels a/b to do that.

Still a good way of “toggling” inputs.

Similar thing can be done on other channels switching from USB ins and Line ins

What is you definition of “performance mixer”? What are the features and specs you expect from such a device? I use a “normal” mixer (with LOTS of inputs/outputs/aux busses/matrixes) and like @ThanosF mentioned, I play it like an instrument, it does all I need and more except fitting in a backpack, but then again, my setup was not designed for ultra-mobility, fly out gigs, small spaces like DJ booths or esoteric locations . I don’t really know what “performance mixer” means, really. I feel the OP asked a very open question, and answering the usual “what for/what not/what budget” questions would seriously narrow down the options.

I will elaborate, hopefully helps :upside_down_face:

*4 simultaneous stereo inputs or more
*Individual insert FXs on each track
*Master FX
*Send FX loop for guitar pedals
*Not too big
*Sequences for FX parameters synced to midi clock would be amazing

I have found an unusual possible mixer setup. A soundcard like a focusrite with 8 inputs in to an iPad running AUM

Looks like AUM lets you host audiounits as inserts and also sequences midi parameters with midi sequencers also.
Only concern is latency and if I can setup a send FX loop for the guitar pedals

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I’d probably go for ableton If you’re thinking AUM. Easier in every regard to AUM. I found with AUM I spent most of my time fixing routing, you have to do this every time you plug/unplug a controller. I never figured out how to do AUM-level program changes because ableton was easier and more flexible in every regard. I also found that AUs crashed fairly regularly.

Not to say that AUM doesn’t have potential, and isn’t amazing - i just found it wasn’t ready for prime time yet.


Good to know! Thanks

I already have Alberton but my music gear is in a room with no computer in it (intentional) and that rules out Ableton.
AUM and an iPad is almost a computer anyway. Not ideal.

Also idea for AUM was purely a mixer with a saved preset, and a midi controller for the channels etc. Probably just going to go with a secondhand mx1 and sell it on if I don’t like it

Indeed that narrows down quite bit. You didn’t mention knobs. If you can do without physical knobs, I would recommend considering a audio interface with onboard mixer as an altrenative option . I like the Motu products, have been running them for decades without a single issue, and the cuemix mixer works with near-zero latency, and can be commanded via touchOSC and I believe Macky HUI too, meaning you can add a physical controller to the onboard mixer. RME is a great choice as well. I’m not aquainted with Focusrite, Presonus and other brands but know these two fairly well.

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That’s actually a great idea (Motu with cuemix), I could use touch osc on my iPad to control it :thinking:

I think the idea is most clearly represented by the Roland MX-1.

It’s basically meant to be an OTB master clock/transport/brain and something where you can create p-lock-ish sequences to process the audio coming into the inputs, besides basic mixer functions (which can also be automated). That is what really differentiates a performance mixer from a mixer in my eyes, and there haven’t been nearly enough such products.

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The 4 channels that are solely for Aira are just a waste of space, though. Otherwise it’d be a great general mixer.

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I use both, otmk2 and djm450.
Ar & A4 --> ot
With octatrack I loop, and send loop with cue to one channel on DJM
other channel, on DJM comes from other ot sounds (incl dir 1 and 2 from a4 and ar)

Very easy too loop
DJM is easy to manage and has amazing fx
Easy way to do transition trick.

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That is a LOT of processing/sampling/resampling power for a mixer, with little connectivity to match. After shelling our for 2 OT’s you would still need yet another mixer to hook them up :control_knobs::level_slider::control_knobs:.
Probably not a major concern for Mr. Di Caprio :wink:

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Gatsby just meant 2 Octatracks perfectly match above requirements. :content:

As @wouzer mentionned, 1 OT and another mixer would match it too. OT is excellent for that :

Sequences for FX parameters synced to midi clock would be amazing.

Oh man you’ve just sent me off down another routing rabbit hole with the mixer into OT idea


I have a small X-Air (XR12 - the baby one) which is perfect for me (size, ok effects, easy enough to configure, and midi). The mixer goes into the OT for scene fading & resampling. You can control the mixer effect sends with the iPad really easily.

Now, having said all of that, I typically just unplug everything and use one box at a time directly with the OT :joy:

Would you perform live with the X-Air controlled by the iPad or is this your studio setup?

I’ve used the mixer with the iPad live…but only to set up the channel levels. Not ‘performed’ in the way I think you want to.

Me too. It always comes back to the OT in the end.

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I’ve been looking at the orthogonal devices ER-301 again lately… seems like it could land in the same realm as octatrack as a performance mixer especially if you got a bunch of led fader modules to use as controls. You would likely be limiting yourself to the FX inside the unit though and it has the same number of ins and outs as an octa so no advantages there. Seems like the FX in it are pretty unlimited though so unless you really need some classic hardware FX it would probably cover you. You might want a sequencer to go with it also… so it starts to get expensive pretty fast.

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