OT and Modular

So I’ve had some success triggering envelopes with the MD impulse machines but it would be great to have some micro timing/step length per track control offered by the newer Elektron machines. Has anyone experience with using an impulse wave form in the OT for modular control duties? If so what kind of waveforms, pulse duration etc. work best?

ps. I don’t have an A4 - I have a lot of analog synths so i am not inclined to buy one for the purpose just yet.

You don’t need the A4 if you have a midi to CV. The new mutable interface is pretty badass and cheap but there are plenty of options. I use both the A4 and my OT and you can have great fun with it.
Without a cv interface stuff like clock should be easy. Ive seen people send clock to maths using the ableton metronome.
Check this out for some inspiration.

I realise a converter would do the trick but i’m on a mission to limit extra gear. I have a couple of converters already - kenton pro solo and there’s one in the Flame Clockwork but they tend to be occupied.

Ahh fair enough. My knowledge extends as far as sending clock, beyond that I have little idea. Sorry.

no worries. Clocking is fine here - more interested in rhythmically triggering envelopes and the like which the MD handles ok

The cue outs might be your friend. I send hihats to cue outs to layer them with audio-triggered mbrane sounds.

If I understand you correctly, you are looking to clock/trigger your modular via an audio out of the OT? sorry just a little confused - I have no idea what the impulse wave form in the OT is…

anyhow, a sampled rim shot is your friend, you’ll need to make sure that you can amplify it to at least 2.5v - however I assume that won’t be a problem within the OT.

In terms of using the micro timing function, are you lookin to generate a clock signal (e.g. rim shot on every 16th) to sync a modular sequencer or are you looking for Octatrack to trigger your VCA?

Personally, I would use the rim shot at the steps you want your modular to be triggered on (rim shot sample into env>amp etc) - this approach the micro timing will work wonderfully. However if you’d prefer to output a “clock” signal to sync sequencer you probably won’t find the micro timing as useful - maybe not though

Here are some sampled pulses from the trigger outputs of a TR-606 and a TR-808. I’ve never tried using sampled pulses to trigger analog gear but I do use a real 606 to trigger all sorts of stuff on my eurorack. Works great !

In theory it should work as long as they are loud enough (+5V or whatever that is in dB I’m not sure)

[https://www.dropbox.com/s/oak964cplzof16r/Trigger%20Pulses.zip](https://www.dropbox.com/s/oak964cplzof16r/Trigger Pulses.zip)

Also a thread over at Muffs where they seem to having success with the same thing.
