Hello, I’m trying to integrate my OT into Reaper.
My main goal is to be able to control soft synths on a computer with OT, sending note on/off, cc…
I have my sound card midi in/out connected with OT’s midi out/in and audio channels connected as well.
and what exactly is your question now…?
Dang! Necro-bump of a thread.
ANYWAY (for anyone wondering the same today):
You have several options of integration depending on which level you´re aiming for:
[li]Transport Ctrl and Tempo (Play/Stop and midiclock). Which one do you prefer as the master/slave?[/li]
[li]Audio and/or Miditracks on your OT sending out whatever you´ve programmed or are doing there, Reaper records everything.[/li]
[li]Reaper controls several functions of your OT by transmitting PC#, NN# and/or CC# controlling those functions (pattern selection, playback, recording, parameter control etc).[/li]
The MIDI appendix in the manual is your friend here. Check it out and see where you´d like to end up. Or if you are clear on HOW you would like the integration to be, specify it here and we might be able to help you out!
Are you wanting to use the OT to send MIDI notes and CCs to your soft synth and then buss the audio into the OT for further processing?
Hard to know what you want to do if you won’t spell it out for us…
@mike the man: haha sorry, I ended up digging in old threads and later forgot about that
Hi – I’m new to the forum (first day, actually) and I would greatly appreciate some feedback on a couple of points before I decide whether or not to purchase an Octatrack.
First, is it relatively easy to save track performances as audio loops on a smart card, then attach a USB cable to the OT and drag and drop the saved loops to a computer hard drive location?
Also, I would like to use an OT to control DAW transport and also sequence instrument plugins (note on) and change plugin parameters via midi CC ‘grooves/performances’ sent from the OT’s midi out.
Can any of you provide any examples as to how you achieve such a workflow in your own setup?
Yes, you can save sampled or resampled audio as files on the OT’s Compact Flash card, then copy the files to the computer as you described. Check pages 48-49 and 31-32 of the OT’s manual.
The OT can send MIDI transport controls and MIDI clock. The OT’s MIDI sequencer sends MIDI notes and CCs. It’s straightforward.
Which DAW and plug-ins do you use?
Thanks for this awesome feedback – you can’t begin to understand how excited I am about the possibilities! I ise a number of DAW’s and cycle through them depending on what I’m trying to achieve for a particular project: Logic, Live, Studio One, Reason mostly.
I use a lot of various plugins – pretty much all the major Mac-compatible soft synths and samplers.
Just to be clear, you cannot record a long performance to the memory card. Sampling time is fairly limited, you can’t exactly use the OT as a recorder.
That’s not entirely true. Set Dynamic Recorder to YES and if you have enough FLEX RAM, you can record up to about a 6 minute performance on the OT.
Page 39 of the manual. I do it all the time when I don’t want to record tracks to the computer.
Remember to save your recording though!
You can’t record what many people would consider a performance- is that better?
A 6 minute song, not a whole set.
I’m really appreciative of your feedback, folks!
So would I ne able to sequence a MIDI cc variation phrase in the OT amd output that to automate a plugin parameter in a DAW?
Also, jave any of you experimented with having a DAW follow OT tempo changes? If so, was it a smooth process?
And is it possible to sequence more than one sample per track? For example, can I sequence a drum sequence on one track using several different one-shot samples?
Yes. Just not on the same step on the same track.
That’s a lot better, thanks!
That’s a lot better, thanks! [/quote]
Actually it’s over 8 minutes, 85,5MB in 16-bit stereo. Dynamic recorders on and reserves off.