OT and A4, some questions

Need some help with some doubts on this couple.

First of all I use it with different bands/projects so I use to have different Sets on the OT.

  • When working on a different songs I save it on the OT as different Project(as long as I can save different tempo to Banks). The way to Save it on the A4 is a Project too, right??

  • I have a MIDI keyboard connected to OT Midi In, and OT Midi Out to A4 Midi In. Auto Ch 11. So when a Midi Track is selected on the OT I can play this track on the A4, but can’t do this when selecting an Audio Track. Sometime we have four hands working on both machines …


first if you work in different bands in the OT I would have a seperate set for each band. On the A4 I would have different banks per band.

Second, if you like to play the A4 via an external midi keyboard I would
syncronize the OT (master) and the A4 (salve) and than play the A4 with a multi chanal midi device (two Midi in (keyboard, OT out) to two midi outs (OT in and A4 in).