OT/A4/MD + keys -Midi channels preventing program changes

Hi, this is an on going problem for me, and i know its been discussed before, but ive never found THE method for everything to work in harmony

There was for example this thread on the old forum

My config

OT - master - A4 slave - MD slave

the program changes work great (apart from occas osc detuning since a4 update)
When i change bank/pattern on OT the slaves follow suite

However i want to beable to play the A4 on my keyboard, via the midi in on the OT
this also works fine
BUT it messes up the program changes

Keys - OT - A4 - thru - MD

As soon as i enable a midi track - midi track 1 for example, i can now play whatever a4 sound i choose on the a4,
but the program changes dont follow any more, they stay stuck on the same pattern

heres some additional info

OT - auto ch1
send and recieve auto ch
audio note out - int
audio cc out - int
cc and note in - not ticked

perf ch 9 or anything other than 1 for it to sound with the keyboard
auto ch 1 (only one that seems to work for the keys)
prog ch in 1
ch out 1

If someone can be kind enough to point out how i need to set this up to enable
playing the a4 with keys via the OT - AND keeping intact the program changes /pattern bank changes
that would be incredibly awesome!!! :kiss:

ps i tried changing the auto channel on all three machines, but to no avail
Ive tried changing every midi parameter there is,
now the program changes are completely fucked :disappointed:
plus OT has an autochanel setting, but no program ch setting??!!

Ok heres my SOLUTION!

Keys - output to Midi Ch 1
OT - autochannel 1 - using midi ch 9 to beable to play A4
a4 - auto channel 9
a4 - program change = ch 1
Md program ch = ch 1

Also on md, make sure the patterns wont be activated by playing the keyboard in MAP EDITOR

to recap
Keys OUT - OT IN
OT OUT - A4 Thru
A4 Thru - MD in

This enables the two other machines to follow the OT’s pattern changes, and beable to play the a4 with the keyboard

Seems like everythings sorted :slight_smile:

Only wish i had an extra Midi out on the a4 to go back into the keys (which is a Nord)
cos ive had good results putting LFos on its effect parameters,
but i cant have everything at the same time,
though i suppose i could do it from the MD, and have the inputs going into the a4…
the mind boggles!