Hi, this is an on going problem for me, and i know its been discussed before, but ive never found THE method for everything to work in harmony
There was for example this thread on the old forum
My config
OT - master - A4 slave - MD slave
the program changes work great (apart from occas osc detuning since a4 update)
When i change bank/pattern on OT the slaves follow suite
However i want to beable to play the A4 on my keyboard, via the midi in on the OT
this also works fine
BUT it messes up the program changes
Keys - OT - A4 - thru - MD
As soon as i enable a midi track - midi track 1 for example, i can now play whatever a4 sound i choose on the a4,
but the program changes dont follow any more, they stay stuck on the same pattern
heres some additional info
OT - auto ch1
send and recieve auto ch
audio note out - int
audio cc out - int
cc and note in - not ticked
perf ch 9 or anything other than 1 for it to sound with the keyboard
auto ch 1 (only one that seems to work for the keys)
prog ch in 1
ch out 1
If someone can be kind enough to point out how i need to set this up to enable
playing the a4 with keys via the OT - AND keeping intact the program changes /pattern bank changes
that would be incredibly awesome!!!
ps i tried changing the auto channel on all three machines, but to no avail
Ive tried changing every midi parameter there is,
now the program changes are completely fucked
plus OT has an autochanel setting, but no program ch setting??!!