Has anyone sent a support ticket about this? It seems to be whenever I change bank from the OT my osc 1 gets detuned. It’s really irritating.
So it happens everytime you switch Bank, right?
Or have you experienced this with other actions?
If you haven’t already sent a ticket, then we can do it in this same day.
Irritates me too…especially if i don’t be aware of it and perform a kit saving…!
Already have thi problem in the past. Then solve it and sell my octatrack , then buy another one, have this problem again and solve it again.
This problem occurs when you have your auto channel on the a4 that share the same midi channel than the programm ch in channel on the a4.
I just set my channel 16 on the octatrack as the auto channel and as the programm change channel.
I m not completely aware of what s going on on the octa when I change bank but setting things this way works for me so that s enough at the moment.
I hope you understand my message because I m french and not very sure about my description.
Please ask me if it s not as clear as possible.
Good music
The problem also seems to happen when you slide the crossfader from scene B to scene A, but not from scene A to scene B. It affects the ‘active’ track on the A4.
in what way is it a bug in the A4 if it’s responding to Midi sent from the OT ? just asking ? if the A4 is responding to an invalid midi command then that’s different - i’m not suggesting it’s not a pain btw
I have this problem now and then, but can never figure out where its coming from
or how i got rid off it!
Def annoying, esp as i am sending no midi chanels or notes,
the only thing i want to send is the automatic program changes, so that the banks/patterns follow the OT,
was never a problem before the update
Which is why it seems like a bug
I spent sometime going over this tonight. To start the issue regarding the crossfader is due to audio cc setting and is unrelated.
What I have discovered. Only tracks controlled by the OT midi sequencer are affected. When the transport is double stopped or started for the first time the value of OSC 1 is detuned. If you change the ot to control track 2 then track 2’s OSC 1 is effected, track 3 then track three’s OSC and so on.
It’s really driving me mad and has kept me away from my machines for a few weeks because each time I start playing I was worried I would ruin the kits of my previous work which has happened before.
I was wrong about the bank change. it is definitely the transport and ONLY the OT sequenced midi tracks. There may be other ways to achieve the same error but this happens consistently for me.
Yeah. I am having this too. Started happening after Update to 1.1B is happens not every time, but often. Turning off the A4’s ability to respond to external CC seems to have fixed. Which is fine because that works for me.
I can see why this seems like a total pain, i tried it, but having different channels in the A4 for Auto Channel and Prog Ch in does the trick for me !!
Is this what u need ?
I have Auto in A4 on 9
I have Prg Ch in as 11 - same as Prg ch out on OT
works fine, i think
I am using the OT sequencer occasionally for the A4 so for me thats not an option.
I just started a ticket with elektron, lets hope they have a few people who aren’t busy at NAMM or the LA show.
The OT is not sending audio cc. The autochannel on the OT and A4 are different. A4 is 16 and OT is 11. OT is clock master and transport master. There is an MnM and tetra as well. MnM only has chnnel 1-6 turned on (multi trig etc are turned off). OT autochannel is 11 and Audio CC is off so this isn’t the crossfader. A4 is set as track 12-15 (tracks 1-4). FX and CV tracks are off. Perf channel is 16 and auto channel is 9 and program change channel is set to auto.
EDIT, OT program change channel is 9. is that the issue?
what’s wrong with the solution i suggested (it may be wrong for you) but if it works ? ! is this to do with an overly flexible system that needs a bit of care when plumbing ? midi’s old but it’s not trivial
sorry, typing at the same time, let us know what happens ?!
Sorry I wasn’t understanding your answer correctly. (I’m not very midi minded). It seems the issue was the auto channel number. For some reason I thought the auto channel was the channel used for program change. I set the auto channel to channel 8 and its working fine. You are a star.
Sorry, I really wasn’t ignoring you I thought I had addressed what you had said but my midi retardedness meant I actually hadn’t. Apologies for that.
cool - means i won’t have this issue when i start wiring them together, still keeping it simple with the OT
Hi hm I tried all that u writed, doesnt work, so i began with trial and error and found that if i uncheck the recieve cc/nrpn the problem stopped
In part problem solved…
In the OT
All boxes unchecked and Audio cc in and out on INT
Auto Off
All trigchannels off
Transport send Checked
Clock send Checked
Prog ch Unchecked
ch auto
Recv Unchecked
ch Auto
But wouldnt your solution mean that the A4 would no longer receive program changes - ie pattern and bank changes?
My config is mostly working, but the pitch change problem happens occassionaly (usaully with the new + drive voices actually)
Hoping its gonna be ok cos gotta gig in 2 weeks!
But wouldnt your solution mean that the A4 would no longer receive program changes - ie pattern and bank changes?
My config is mostly working, but the pitch change problem happens occassionaly (usaully with the new + drive voices actually)
Hoping its gonna be ok cos gotta gig in 2 weeks![/quote]
Yes but i always switch tracks manually anyway, and if i whant to tweak i do it on a4
I really thought that the 1.1c would take care of this!
I can see how this bug would be very big problem if u play live I wouldent dare to do that if I where U…
Create a ticket and explain your setup in detail, then Chenk shurely can sort it out,
God luck