OS update

With word that there is something big in the works for the analog four do you think its crazy to hope for something in way of an octatrack update? I mean we did recently get quite a big update with new effects etc.

Still would be nice to see whats to become of the OT.

one of the reasons i was drawn to elektron over other makers is their commitment to getting the most out of their machines,

it seems a lot of manufacturers are happy to let their uses struggle on with bugs and keep selling to the uninformed, where as Elektron seem to be genuinely committed to making their user base happy and trying to impliment feedback that is given where possible, I think they get that this in itself helps sell more units, and good luck to them if is does i say !

Yeah, I mean its the first bit of gear I have owned thats got better as time goes by. New features etc. Obviously there is only so much they can do but its great that they push it to the limit so to speak.
It’s also great the way people find ways around things, like all the variations of the transition trick. It’s like mad scientists working out more efficient ways to get the rocket into space.

dang - you got me with that title.
I only fear since they’re working on the A4 basically means they’re not working on the OT update for a bit… so many (feasible) wishes though… (c’mon extended recorder length! c’mon all these midi enhancements… oops wrong thread?)

I wouldn’t worry about that - they released a Monomachine update not too long ago! :slight_smile:
I’ve only got one thing to say;
Hah, I’m becoming a broken record. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t worry about that - they released a Monomachine update not too long ago! :slight_smile:
I’ve only got one thing to say;
Hah, I’m becoming a broken record. :p[/quote]
I think thats the update on everybody’s lips. When that happens I will be out shopping for a akai MPD