OS 1.3 bug Thread

I’ve run into a strange issue. I have some sample trigs having p-locks for start end and points. However pressing any scene button, it immediately plays all the running p-locked samples from the default positions, breaking the corresponding melodies. This happens even by turning on or off any scenes. The perfomrance mode buttons don’t do the same, they work as expected, but scene buttons reset all sample settings. Is it intended behavior or is it a bug?

Ok, this is not restricted to samples. Scenes immediately reset every p-locked parameters by all sounds for that momemnt they were pressed (turned on or off). Is it right??? This way scenes can’t be used by p-locked tracks.

Another strange thing: the mute buttons don’t apply immediate mute, especially by samples. If I press mute on a sample track while the sample is still being played, that sample won’t be muted but played till the end of that trig. Ok, I understand that mute is not really mute, just not triggering upcoming trigs. But it shouldn’t have the name Mute :slight_smile:
Ok I’d say I create a scene which sets amp volume to zero. But then all actually played samples with p-locked start/end points will be reset. OMG!!! :smiley: