Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me out and maybe shed a bit of light on Elektrons delivery process?
I recently made an order from the Elektron website for a Analog Rytm, I have received a receipt of payment via email in the form of pdf file.
My question is how do I track the order? It is supposedly being delivered via UPS to my home address in the U.K. I am concerned as It’s been 3 days and I have not received a tracking number or any form of expected delivery date from elektron, which I thought would have accompanied the receipt of payment in my e-mail’s inbox.
I have sent an email to elektron using their on-line form at elektron.se asking for similar information but I am yet to hear back from them.
Any help, knowledge, previous dealings or experience with Elektron would be appreciated
It took 2 weeks from when my order was confirmed and the payment received on Elektron’s behalf for my order to be shipped out. It took 3 days after that to deliver to NA. Patience…
it does seem a little odd - maybe chase them for the tracking no.?
I’m in the UK too : ordered mine friday afternoon - got tracking no. yesterday morning… I can see that my AR is currently in Copenhagen, scheduled to be delivered to me by end of thursday.