Open Battle #01: “soundtrack // transmission” - VOTING

thanks @LyingDalai, i’m glad you like it :smiley: …wish there would have been more entries though, hopefully in the next open battle.

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Sure. I think my brief was not a good example, maybe a bit scary ^^
I think a good point was to let people use whatever piece of gear they want, so that the battle is open to everyone.

Anyway, I am extremely glad that there were 3 participants, and I do hope there will be more in the future!

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mm…don’t know, wouldn’t say so…maybe detailed? but not scary


This may be true BUT the fact that you provided a ready-made video for us total video noobs to use was a huge thing. I’ve been wanting to do something like this - scoring to picture - for a long time and despite the long-ish brief this was actually a VERY low threshold battle: video was ready, you could use whatever equipment you want etc.

For a challenge/battle like this to work it needs to have some kind of ”rules” to it - that’s what makes it fun and a challenge.


Note that absolutely not a single one of the challengers here and on op-forums gave some samples or patches :smiley:
IMO, even if there are rules, it needs to stay fun so they must somehow be soft.

But I would have liked such “transmission” aspect to actually take place.
For one of op-forums battles, I had imposed some Model:Cycles sounds. I then took all the tracks in Ableton and assembled a big one out of this, with transitions of mine.

For a previous one I had imposed a start and an end sample so that transitions would be made easy:

I really like to insert such “union” factor in a challenge ^^

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…or else one could get the clips from this (or any other really) website: which has plenty free video clips that can be used, that’s where i got the ones i used, so maybe a good video source for the next time?


Yes, that’s probably the logical next step for someone like me. :+1:

could not upload a sample as max file size i think is 10MB? so would not work, but did actually provide the sound from the A4, well…not straight away but… :smile_cat:

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Oh, my bad!
You’re definitely one of a kind, then :tongue:

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:smirk: :smile_cat:
well…just followed the brief

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Voting time is now over, congratulations @guga: you are the one to come up with next Open Battle brief!

And thank you to all participants and voters!


:beers: thanks to all those who voted for my entry.
soo…any update on when the DNK will be shipped then? :stuck_out_tongue: :smile_cat:
next Open Battle brief will be up soon, get all yer gears ready


All of it? :smiley:

ohyess :elmm: :elmd: :elan: :elot: :control_knobs: :level_slider: :musical_keyboard: :minidisc: :cd: :saxophone: :flashlight: :toolbox: :chair: :flashlight: :joystick: :flying_saucer: :doughnut: :cb: :smiley:



If you have a soundcloud account, would you mind uploading your track there so that it can be gathered in a playlist on Elektronauts Radio, please?


Sorry, don’t have SC - only Bandcamp and a bit of Youtube right now. Thanks for asking tho!

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Let me work on it. What format do they use, wav files?

mp3, wav, aiff, all work.

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I finally uploaded my track. Here’s the link:

Let me know if there’s anything else that I need to do or if there are any problems gaining access to this file.

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Seems good, thank you !