OOPS! Something went wrong. Syntakt does not work

I have had my Syntakt for a few months now, and mostly, it works. However, whenever I turn it off, I dread having to turn it on again, as a very noticeable amount of the time, it crashes on startup with the message “OOPS! Something went wrong. Switch off/on to boot again.” Tonight I am at my wits end, as I have periodically tried to restart it for a couple of hours.

Having emailed Elektron, I know they are aware of this issue, and that it is firmware related. Has anyone had this issue and found a way to get around this? It is beyond infuriating, and the latest update has no addressed this issue at all.

I know I have the option to send it back to them for them to fix it, but I really really enjoy this box when it works, and would much prefer not to go through the bother to send it it, especially considering it is a mere firmware issue that they are aware of, and - I would assume - more than capable of fixing. (Edit: with an update)

Things I’ve tried:

  • Updating to latest OS 1.20B
  • Factory reset
  • Shouting at it

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: “Oops! Something went wrong, boot again” error message

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