Only 1 LFO per track?

On the RYTM layout there seems to be 2 LFOs, but on the FM video, it is said 1 LFO per track… thoughts ?

the grey stuff is for master FX

might be freely assignable - machinedrum stylee. that would be epic

it also raises the question, is there a sequencer track for the master FX?
I suppose not.

there’s an fx button above the pads. they might implement fx automation through scenes triggered by the pads. oh lord

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Hope so. Still it’s not that much IMHO.

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1 LFO is a serious limitation :frowning:

Is this a hardware constraint or software?

This might be a “damn we ran out of CPU cycles” constraint, but it might also be a design decision to keep things simple initially.

I do expect a second LFO to be added at some time in the future.

it does limit things a bit but when really in need you could always p-lock the lfo on trig/s, surely not the same thing but it does work
also, i believe there’s a sequencer track for the master FX, at least that’s what i think i’ve been using so far :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: actuallly, just realizing void’s post is from january so probably this has come to the surface already

Yep plucks seem to save the day here. But with this having mono samples only, adding space etc other than verb , I find the Lfo more often than not get used up for fast panning etc to push things out the way etc.

Can be done with Plocks, but just one more would really open things up.

Perhaps, but they have remained silent on the issue. Surely if more LFO’s are on the horizon they could just tell us to shush up and wait :]

Keiowas, something tells me you have inside intel on Elektron? :wink:
Looking forward to everything that’s coming, especially the new machines!

I personally could live with just LFO otherwise, but currently the oneshot singlecycle exp.curved LFO is doing so much work in my drum sound design that it’s not even funny! This behavious is impossible to obtain with plocks alone… So if we had a modmatrixable (with 4 slots like the vel & at mods) freeform envelope with emphasis on snappy and short timing intervals, I could totally live with having just one LFO and plocks. But tbh the rytm is a beast as it is already, this is just fantasizing… :+1:

Oh no… Im certainly not involved with Elektron in any way. Closest ill get to Elektron is that i live in Gothenburg.
But the thing is… All their other machines have evolved to something more. And im more than confident that the rytm will get some more features. Give it some time.
They are really good at keeping secrets. I would be punished to death if i were employed by Elektron. :wink:
I love my machines as they are right now and doesnt think avout whats to come. Make music and have fun. But… A really nice thing is Overbridge for me. Just jam and record everything separatly. Really nice. And if i want to edit things in a more linear dawstyle, i can do that to.
Now im gonna jam on my beautiful Rytm!

Oh yes, Overbridge is going to be exciting. I am waiting for it feverishly. I can’t wait to be able to jam live and record everything as separate outputs and then go back and track/edit it in my DAW. Ooooooh, so much potential there!

And yes, the Rytm is a beast. It has it’s own sphere of sound and can appear limited, but once you delve into it, it’s got a vast array of sound design possibilities - from synthesis to weird percussion and effects!

and the moog slim phatty has 1 lfo. for the whole synth.

Yeah, but the fatties support 14bit midi cc <3

Irrelevant, completely different instruments.

The RYTM LFOs are 14bit too tho : )

Irrelevant, completely different instruments.[/quote]
And we ser, are completely different individuals. I find it very relevant.

Irrelevant, completely different instruments.[/quote]
And we ser, are completely different individuals. I find it very relevant.

Why? One is a mono synth and the other is an analog drum machine…They require different features.