One-shot triggers and arranger

is there a way to keep the other´s patterns one-shot triggers active while one is actually running in the current pattern?

I mean: I got a pattern 1 running with sample A in track 1 as one-shot going as a backing track…then change to pattern 2 and want sample B to be played also as one-shot in the same track (1)

The OT just refuses to play another one-shot sample after the first one, no matter you change patterns…it is described in the manual but I can´t understand the logic behind this feature

I think you just need to retrigger your one-shot. I think there are a few ways to do this (I’m sure others will chime in) but the simplest way is to hit the “Enter/Yes” button. If in grid mode, this will only re-arm the selected track, if not, it rearms all one shots.

So, pattern A is playing, and towards the end of it, hit Enter/Yes, then switch to pattern B. Should trigger the one shot of pattern B.

Hope that helps.


^^ this. Also fyi these one shot sample trigs will keep rearming as long as Enter/yes is held down. As far as I can see, the manual completely fails to mention this and only describes the behaviour for one shot recorder trigs…

not true…pag.81

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thanks for your replies, guys

I know about the enter/yes trick…it works in pattern mode but it doesn´t when youre in the arranger you have to press function+enter/yes to do it , and this also arm other triggers as well, so its not the most ideal solution

anyway I went into the arranger mode just to got some stuff running without have to be watching or operating stuff for a clean transition between patterns

I think the option of deactivate retrigger resistence when change patterns should be implemented.

thanks for your help, any other advices are welcome

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I use the enter/yes trick in the arranger, so I’m not sure what you’re running into. It does work!


Just a thought, but you could scale your patterns to fit the whole sample, and do away with one shots entirely.

like i said, this is one shot recorder trigs. no mention of one shot sample trigs…

I get you zeropint, and i excuse myself for the dry reply.

But I only imagine that the manual misses in repeating this information (rearming while held) because already written directly above (in the manual) when speaking about one shot recorder trig.

And i am also on the opinion that some confusion arising from this particular manual is due to the sometime not-so-useful informations redundance and the passes where it omits redundance…

And actually your’re TRUE!

it has been omitted…!

no, i hear you. like you say i assumed it would work with one shot sample trigs (think that’s how i read it in the manual the first time anyway) but for some reason the first time i tried it it didn’t work.

so i looked back in the manual and saw it only mentioned recorder trigs…so gave up trying.

then someone here mentioned being able to rearm the sample trigs too…went back and tried again. sure enough it worked.

it would have saved me some grief if the manual had been clear about the functionality.

the OT really is a machine that needs that clarity but with a light touch and plenty of “in use” examples. let’s face it - the manual needs a ground up re-write and proper indexing…possibly by someone like merlin.

The manual could use a few more real world tutorials and walk throughs as well. It’s cool to know how, but sometimes when and why is a bit fuzzy.

+1 ^:^

For the arranger, has someone tried the TRACK ARM (CC52) through a midi controller? Curious if it behaves correctly on a momentary button.

Here we go. So it is possible to bypass the arrangers limitation via midi.
In my actual setup I have a BCF midi controller.
The push buttons on the BCF allow incremental / toggle on and off functions. Sending CC52 via toggle only caused the sample to re-rigger once.

What I like is the one-shot trig uses for drum fills
So what we want is value 127 to be sent constantly on the proper midi channel.

I cant do it perfectly due to the BCF’s limitations but I got it pretty nailed down this way. I used the encoder and set it to cc52, min value 127, max value 127.
Just keep wiggling the knob and the multiple trigs launched as in pattern mode and felt kind of cool too. :wink:

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nice trick!

Where did the next level icon from EU go? Oh well


I’m thinking it would be nice to have oneshot trig arming possible through the arranger… Using oneshots for fills wouldn’t make sense in a studio or arrangement setting without this, and it seems completely doable in a firmware update

Previous post I made is interesting, although it’s simpler for me to hold function+yes for easy fills. Works perfectly although it’s two button combination.

Figured that one out after. :zonked:

Could still be practical for performance, starting one shots via external interfaces or even “velocity midi triggers” on your shoes! :neutral_face:

Func + yes everytime you need to rearm although you change patterns… it’s a mesh sometimes… you need to focus all the time there. Making the arranger some kind of joke…maybe for working as studio … I can imagine it…
But for live performance and out of the arranger happens too…
So i feel like maybe elektron is thinking somehow In a possible future to make an os upgrade that can rearm auto changing patterns or parts… that should be a reasonable option the we should have… like the starting silence for tracks
I will try the midi trick… for the patterns that changes to another part too…
Let’s see how it goes…

Add 1 to your request… please somebody hear you

plays free mode could solve this, i think. if set to track length you would just need to tap the track trig before the pattern changed.