Has anyone bought this? Seems like a good dedicated controller for OT, especially live! not that expensive too
and video of prototype:
Has anyone bought this? Seems like a good dedicated controller for OT, especially live! not that expensive too
and video of prototype:
looks real handy. unfortunately they’re out of stock or i’d be all over it!
Yeah I bought one of the first batch! Still waiting for the package to arrive (2+ weeks in the mail so far), but once it does I will be sure to post a video.
Please do
Well, I’ve learned that DHL Global Mail is totally different from DHL Express. It’s been 3+ weeks now waiting for Germany-USA shipping, but apparently that’s standard…
yep, that’s the way it goes with DHL…i did ship few controllers to the states and depending from where you are, it could take up to one month! that’s mainly because of the way things are handled when the parcel reaches the states…from there on DHL knows pretty much nothing of where things are and it’s all up to the local courier to let them know whether the parcel arrived to destination or not…
I hate to suppress a new manufacturer but the Arturia Beatstep looks like it’s going to do the job, too.
any midi controller would technically be able to do the “job” as well. the whole benefit of this is the form factor (same size box as the elektron stuff) and the high quality alps faders which are preferable than rotary encoders to control levels for my own use.
apples and oranges imo
Yeah the BeatStep looks sweet but I really love how the Oktakontrol is big, simple, and exactly tailored to the OT.
if they made one filled with LED ring push encoders instead of faders (matter of taste ofc), i’d buy two of them. Basically i’m asking for a small and pretty version of the BCR2000, or livid Code… nice video btw.!
I would buy one if it was completely black…
it states on the website that the new ones are full metal… I too prefer all black.
They are also back in stock. Going to make my order this afternoon.
I wonder if any of the guys who are responsible for it on the board? Great work dudes if you’re reading it. I hope I get mine soon.
Pretty expensive for the limited amount of controls you get with it. I just scored an M-Audio Evolution UC-33 for less than half the price of that, and it has 24 knobs as well as double the amount of assignable buttons. Works splendidly with the OT.
Here i’ll one up you…
lol 44 minutes left!
Here i’ll one up you…
lol 44 minutes left![/quote]
The Bitstream is such a hassle to use though, glad I sold mine.
Here i’ll one up you…
lol 44 minutes left![/quote]
The Bitstream is such a hassle to use though, glad I sold mine. [/quote]
I have one, the button next to the x-fader can’t be turned off and for some reason turns every value in ableton to maximum. Can be dangerous live!
That being said Autechre made amazing live sets with it and Elektron boxes
Just received my Oktakontrol and made a quick demo, mostly to show the way it lets you use delay tails more naturally.
I’m really enjoying it! Playing with track volume by fader opens up possibilities for me for live playing. I’m just scratching the surface here- I’ll try to follow up at some point with a video showing some of the other features.
The Oktakontrol feels really solid (quite heavy!) and well built. The faders are great. Either the power supply they supplied or my European-USA converter is being a little fiddly, but that’s easy to replace. I might scrape off the big graphic on the right, but otherwise I like the way the box looks.
If you can assign the tune, then you can get some kind of E-mu sp1200 feeling
This definitely sucks. We always try our best and are in a learning process. Your are the first one who reports such issue, but for the future and for everyone: If you have any trouble with our stuff, please report it directly to us via email (zentrale[at]ag-kw.de). It would also be very nice&fair if you would do this before putting “shame on AK-KW” in public. Especially when it is about shipment where we are not in full control (i.e. guess how many borders it crossed and who was interested to have a look inside …).
AND : Of course we take your Oktakontrol back for replacement (or keep it if you want your money back). Just contact us via email.
Marcel / AG-KW
Sorry for the message in public but I was very disapointed and unhappy when I found out that my long awaited OK was not working. I did hope that I could deal with the “hard fader” and fix the midi cc issue with an OS update but…
I sent you a PM.