Anyone have any experience using the two together? I tried to hook them both together yesterday so I could use the note playing abilities of Push with Octatrack but I had no look. The notes on the Push seemed to be doing things like starting & stopping the OT rather than triggering notes.
Any tips would be super appreciated. I really like Push’s scale mode and tend to use that to input my melodies and stuff.
It seems like you are using the auto channel on the audio tracks. I’m not sure how you should set it up from the top of my head, but you must dive into the Global settings and then the channel assignments to get things right.
How do you connect the push? Does it have dedicated midi connectors, or do you use an USB route via PC/MAC?
Yeah sorry, my bad - after re-reading the manual I now noticed that the OT receives notes up the top end of the Midi Keyboard. Notes below do things like trigger tracks and stuff.