Octatrack vs Mpc

Looks like you’d prefer the smalest! :content:

It’s the occasion to propose a different approach with Program Changes, requiring 1, 2 or 3 buttons :

Pattern 1, track 1, rec trig, Flex trig playing recording > Monitoring

Send a Program Change to select next pattern.

Pattern 2, track 1, no rec trig, Flex trig playing pattern 1 recording > Recording done

Advantages :

  • you can validate recording just before its end
  • you can chain different settings, record next track with different fx
  • you can undo a recording going back to previous pattern
  • you can resample all tracks, save them without stopping audio (playing resampled recording), and record new ones.

I didn’t experimented it enough to say if there are major caveats with that approach, but it gives unique looping possibilities, each pattern potentially having a different recording / playing / mangling role. :loopy:

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That all sounds great. If I want to implement ANY of these suggestions, I will be asking quite a bit of questions on this forum in the future so, be prepared. Otherwise, some of it sounds like another language at this point. But, I’m real close to ordering one and I think maybe I will do the MC6 in case these sorts of things pop into my head as I progress with the OT this third time around. This time I’m going to be patient, try not to get frustrated, and reap the rewards. It almost happened last night: I was trying to name a new project and instead of giving up, I RTFM and now I’m moving through that naming menu like Cuckoo.


If looping is your gig, check out @adamjay checklist. No foot switch needed and very quick/simple way to get going with looping. Enable pre roll for the metronome count in. All good!


The @AdamJay checklist is indispensable and much-appreciated. Honestly, I think I’m going to take the MPC out of the equation. I’m even thinking about sending it back. I have an OT and an OP-1. I really don’t need any more samplers. Seems like overkill and that touchscreen is really bothering me. The whole point is to get away from the computer screen. IMO, the pads aren’t all that either.


Probably better momentarily if you want to dive in Octatrack learning. MPC midi recording is much better.

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Agreed on the touchscreen, but I gave up caring about it. I love the Live pads though and the main reason it’s in my setup.

after many months of trying to make the mpc and octatrack combo work, I finally gave up… and now I just use two octatracks.


this is the way.

My Two OT MK1s give me MPC2000XL productivity vibes all the time, but with the Elektron benefits. The more you use them, the more they just glue themselves to each other.


you definitely have plenty to focus on with that pair. Enjoy them, and get the most out of them!

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if you don’t need the mpcs exclusive features it’s just a waste of space

I kept an MPC500 for midi recording. I don’t use it much, but it’s reassuring for me to have linear midi recording with hardware, midi overdub…

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yeah there are a lot of features I couldn’t do without that other beat machines don’t have that’s why I have mine, but there’s nothing worse than a piece of kit in front of you that you have no use for…

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I mean, if you have the space and means - they both give off very unique vibes.

In my own personal journey, I’ve come to conclusion that my computer can do all the things to make release ready tracks and I’m totally comfortable with that.

The hardware is more about a vibe, weirdness, creativity, etc. Fun if you will.

So these days I’m not looking to buy gear in the hopes it’ll help me produce tracks. I’m looking for things that are just fun to have and play with. The OT checks that box.

The MPC is super fun to make house and techno with, so, it’d check that box.

But I’ve come around to the idea that buying gear to fill a production need is pointless for me. I’d rather buy gear to play around, get super creative and see where all that can take me.

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Should I test if this is true with the MkII?

For Science?

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No need to test, pretty sure it would still be true :slight_smile:

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Yes and the good thing is, I’ve owned them both before and got quite a lot of music from them (even won one of those Battles on op-1 forums :laughing:). I go through phases; I’ll play with a couple of bands and do some really good shows and then I get tired of it and just want to make music by myself. I’m back in that phase now but this time I’m not selling my sh*t.

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I’m currently comparing these two (MPC Live 2 and Octatrack), as I need something I can take with me for long distance travel.

I’ve spent a good deal of time making a “music case” for local travel, meaning that I can put it in my car and take it to our sessions. This has a DT, Argon8, computer and audio interfaces. However, I’m not comfortable shipping that or taking it on a plane.

So I realized I want something more than my computer when I’m away. I want some buttons and knobs! :slight_smile:

I’m heavily leaning towards an Octatrack, as I love the Elektron sequencer, but I’m also impressed with what I’m seeing with the MPC Live 2.

The main things I need to do when I’m away from my home studio are:

  1. Sequence drums
  2. Record guitar (or scratch vocals)
  3. Add keyboard parts (bass, melodies, and chords)
  4. Do some lightweight arranging
  5. Add FX
  6. Explore ideas (do some weird stuff, and experiment)
  7. Export stems

I never thought I’d need an Octatrack, but I’m very close to ordering one. (well unless I decide an MPC would be better for the task).

Edit : I ended up pulling the trigger on an OT.

@Gino I recently bought a Octatrack. First I use it for sequencing my Iridium and Micromonsta 2, so a total of 4 midi tracks. The other tracks are for playing some drum- and audio samples. Playing live with it is so wonderful, the FX are not the best but still very usable.
The sequencer is very flexible and can give you much variation while sequencing external synths. I owned a MPC Live 1 a year ago, but I don’t get friends with it. It looks like the Elektron way suits me better.

It’s also portable enough to take it while travelling. You can even battery power it if you wish.

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Thanks Peter, that’s very helpful. I just placed the order for an OT :slight_smile:

We’ll find out soon!

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Gino, I think you will like it! Let us know, please.