Hi, can anyone teach me basics on the Octatrack…?..
I need help…
i was about to do the same thing
Tutorials really helped me to get to know the OT. But most of all is sitting down in front of it and work and work. i did it every day for hour at least since i got it. And month later I started to really enjoy working with it.
The above tutorials are immensely helpful.
Read this PDF if you haven’t already: http://www.elektron-users.com/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=611&Itemid=30
Watch this (now four-part) series for some basic techniques: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJhT1MTeP2A
There is a wealth of information about the Octatrack on YouTube, this forum and the old Elektron forum: elektron-users.com
If there is something specific you’re looking for, I would use keywords to search the above resources. Also, open the Octatrack PDF manual and use control+F (or command+F) to search for specific keywords as jumping around the hard copy of the manual can be tedious.
Every time I turn on the Octatrack, I seem to have a satisfying “a-ha!” moment, only to be followed by an inevitable pitfall that can take some time and research to resolve. Stick with it. It’s worth it.
Maybe tell us where you live and someone might be able to help.
I wish I could buy Merlin a beer–his PDF is a godsend. I have only had the OT for a couple of weeks, but the Merlin doc has already become a well-worn touchstone, as I work through the manual.
Actually, on that note, if anyone is in San Francisco and an Octatrack guru, I would love to get together, to accelerate my OT understanding.
Nice Prophet 5!
Sadly I’m way down in LA and California is far too large for meeting in the middle. But send me a message with questions if you have them- i’m not a master, but I know the little stupid things that I just didn’t understand while trying to learn the bigger stuff (which, honestly, is all that’s standing in your way!).
Thanks Ryan! Really appreciate the offer. I will definitely take you up on this
(Oh, and it’s super-hard to tell, but the photo is actually the Prophet-5’s awesome little sister, the Pro-One. Chris Hewitt, at ThisOldSynth.com, in San Jose, recently modded my Pro-One, with MTG’s TurboCPU and MIDI+CV kit. The result is phenomenally fun; I’ll shut up now, so I don’t sound like I’m marketing, but I love this thing! )