Hi guys So i just had my octatrack for around 3 days now, and really having fun playing with it aswell as trying to remember all the different commands for menus etc… I’ve experienced 3 times that on starting my octatrack, one time, the pot that controls pitch, attack… din’t work until i restarted my machine, and two times that audio didn’t work properly, like sometings were missing… Is this normal for the octatrack? Oh, and btw, is there any way to create a userdesigned LFO with the crossfade (or any other realtime control)? Cheers, Emil
To answer one of your questions, the user designed LFOs are created using the trig buttons and the Level knob.
Are you sure you were working on the correct track when trying to change the parameters? I remember funking up a lot of that during my first few days with the Octa, Make sure you have the right track you want to edit highlighted. I know it sounds like a very stupid thing, and it might not be your problem at all, but it might just be. Also, make sure you have the latest OS installed on your machine.