Octatrack project transition live


I’m pretty new to the Octatrack and definitely don’t know all the functions.

I’m looking to do a live show and am trying to find the best way to implement this.

I use a mixture of oneshots and loops within my projects and I’m looking for a way to change projects without the playback stopping so it’s all seemless.

Doe anyone know how to do this?

I’d rather use a variety of different projects and switch between them then stay within one project

Any tips/help appreciated.

Hi Deebee,

If you only have the octatrack, switching project will automatically cut the sound. Do you have any other machine in your setup ? (synth, effetc ?) If so, it’s easy to play with them while loading a new project in the octa… Also if you use external effects, you can play with a delay release or reveb for a few seconds, enough to load a new project.

In my case, i use only one project, and i play with an octa + A4. I did a few live with it, no problem.

Hi, if you insist on using different projects,
there is no way to do that seamlessly,
so you would need another sampler or synth to beable to keep playing whilst the projects change

Otherwise the best thing to do is have all your live set in the same project…

You cannot change projects seamlessly.

You can however, change between patterns and parts seamlessly. When you switch to a different pattern bank (e.g. pattern A01 to B01) all the tracks can have new samples assigned to them. Same with when switching parts.

Download the free sound packs for the Octatrack (http://www.elektron.se/support-and-downloads) and look at how parts and parameter locks are used to make use of a large list of samples in just one project.

The only thing you cannot change seamlessly within a project is the BPM, you’d have to adjust it manually every time you want to raise or lower it. I could be wrong though, haven’t even tried that before…

Thank guys

I use the static machine via the flash card and am trying to sort a live set.

On pattern A1 I have 8 samples all playing nicely from slots 1-8. I’ve filled slots 9-16 with different samples for pattern A2 but I can’t allocate these samples to tracks 1-8 for this pattern.

Am I doing something wrong? Basically I just want to allocate tracks to different slots on different patterns ie Track 1 is a kick drum on pattern A1 via slot 1. Then I also want track 1 to be a different kick drum on pattern A2 via Slot 9.

Ay help appreciated.

either use different parts for the different patterns or p-lock different samples to the different patterns and tracks.

Checkout Merlin’s guide and read through the OT manual on parts and locking samples.

To quickly resume, if you want different samples on different patterns :

  • patterns must be on different bank
  • patterns must use different parts
  • use the plocks

Keep in mind that on a bank, there are only 4 parts. So if you don’t use PLocks, you can have only 4 patterns which will use different samples. The twelve remaining will be assigned to one of the four parts and so, share the same samples than a previous pattern.

My way to manage the parts/ patterns:

on a bank (let’s say bank A), i have 4 songs: A1, A5, A9, A13 respectively assigned to part 1 to 4.
For the patterns beetween (A2, A3, A4 for example), there are some variations of the main song on A1. Variations are : PLocks (for different sample or different setting) or different step sequence.

I work this way since i’ve got my octatrack, and i’m happy with it.

It won’t change within the same pattern bank unless you’re using parts.
From A01 to B01 you can have completely new samples assigned to the tracks without having to change parts.