Octatrack Overdub Recording

Is there a possibility to overdub already recorded midi track?
I wanted to use the octatrack to play through midi sounds from my drum machine, but after I’ve recorded the hihat and snare part and wanted to layer other sounds on it, octatrack replaces old hits with the new ones. Using different track for each every sound is a not as good way to go for me.

I’ve never seen layered midi notes to work in order to trig different sound for each note…not in OT nor other sequencer (DAW or whatever…)

Anyway…if you are speaking of : having 3 layered notes on step 9 so you can trigger Kick-Snare-Crash…that is not possible in OT…now i wonder if this is possible somewhere else.

You can trigger up to 4 notes per step, but not in a live record overdub style.

I know the sci Drumtraks has 1 track with the ability to punch in or overdub. All live record, no xox style input. Individual outs to a mixer for live mutes.

It works with the Akai MPC, with no problem.