Octatrack & OP-1

I am expecting my Octatrack early next week and already own an OP-1.

If I sync them with an Oplab and put the OP-1 output back into the Octatrack what can be done?.

I want to be able to sequence the OP-1 with the Octatrack and sample it back into the Octatrack.

Apologies for the confusing rant but I need your thoughts.


Yeah all that & more can be done, oplab is super flexible!
I’d send clock from the OT then use the OP-1s crazy sequencers on the internal sounds which I’d then sample into the OT.
Of course you can also sequence the OT from the OP-1 & indeed sample that as well if you desire. OT of course can sequence the OP-1. Then you have the OP-1 Tape Recorder which will also sync via clock, I use little loops on there a lot & you can also run it at a different speed to the OT.
You can have each machine recording the other or use the OT as a synth by loading single cycle samples then play them from the OP-1 keyboard!

There’s a lot to explore with this combo, check out Datalines page on YT, he did quite a bit with the OP-1 & the Elektrons.

Congrats on the OT purchase, it’ll keep you busy for a while :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the reply bluewolfse7en, much appreciated.

Im trying to get this combo working. Havent tried since I got the Iconnect. How can the OT sequence the OP-1? It can sync to clock but thats it yeah? What about levels? I find the OP-1 output noisy as

With oplab you can choose mode 0 which is a single source to all destinations.
Select midi in & USB becomes a destination.
I sequence the OP-1 from Cirklon all time. Don’t use the OT midi sequencer but see no reason why it wouldn’t work, should be able to use Arps too I would have thought?

Re noise, only ever experienced it with the first few O/S & then only on headphones as it’s a line level output. This was fixed in an update tho, mine is pretty reasonable now!

Which O/S are you running?

Hi My first post and I am a newbie. I have 2 questions please. 1. what is the best way to connect OP1 to the octatrack. I have taken audio from line out to input A via a 3.5mm to 1/4 adapter with only TS but audio is low.

  1. I understand the fun to start sampling and did my first one tonight following the macprovideo course which was great, however I have read that it is best to use professional samples for the best results. Does anyone have any input on this and what is the best sample site for this. Do you use the loops as they are or slice them all up.

thanks , this will be a long but enjoyable journey

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I don’t mean to be blunt, but whoever said this is an idiot. Use what sounds good to you.


Yeah, it’s a sampler, nothing wrong with libraries of sounds but making your own is kind of a massive part of it too.

In the mixer page on the OT you can increase the gain of the inputs, did you do that already?

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yes i had dir to 127 and set the gain to full. on playback I managed to get the volume up with the master volume and its ok but it was hard to record as it was so low?
I must admit though i have only just started but loving the machine

I get pretty decent levels going from my op-1 into the OT. Maybe check the master level page on the op-1 and the drive settings.

Could it be that the Octatrack is expecting balanced mono inputs?

Also don’t forget about the -12db attenuation on the input, you can go into AED edit and normalise the sample, you might then need to go to attributes and adjust gain there as needed.

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If you are using a stereo 1/8" to mono 1/4" you may experience phase cancellation of L&R signals?
If so use 1/8" to two mono 1/4" and feed the OT stereo.

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