I am unable to sample from the inputs. I have a flex machine assigned to track one and the record buffer assigned to the flex machine. I use the hold method, hold down track one button and hit the record button. This gets me a snippet of an audio source which I can trigger via trigs but only as long as I still have the source routed to the inputs. It’s as if the record buffer is functioning as a thru, I can sequence it, etc but it rerecords the inputs at the end of every bar. If there’s no audio going in, it rerecords silence. It’s always overdubbing and no key combinations I press seem to actually record anything. The device I’m trying to sample is also being sequenced via the octa on one of the midi tracks. Does this have anything to do with it?
I am able to sample from the internal tracks and that works fine so it’s something with the inputs?
I’m barely more than a novice myself but have you got any slices set up on the track? I do this all time: record something, slice it, re-record something else, forget about the slices so that only the first slice plays.
I’m not infront of my OT just now, Im sure someone will help you soon enough and get you back on track!
I’m at work now but from memory my recording setup is:
INCD = -
RLEN = 16
TRIG = HOLD although I’ve tried all of them
SRC3 = -
I’ll have to make sure I’m not leaving record trigs active when I get home. I thought that using the HOLD TRIG option would only sample when I actually hold down the TRACK + RECORD button?
Set up Track 1 with a flex machine pointed at Recorder1.
Make something come through the AB inputs until you see flashing lights on AB.
Hold down the Track1 button and tap the AB button. Let go off the buttons. You should notice that the tiny icon next to Track1 has tuned into a +. Let it record until the icon turns back to a square.
If I understand it correctly, if you want to use the manual sampling mode, make sure there are no record triggers in place. If you use a record trigger, make sure you remove it after you’re done sampling or it will just continue to sample each time the sequence loops.