thanks for watching!
Owning both devices too, I really love how your EMX is sounding so good (as in your other videos too) not cheap like most videos/music out there done with the EMX(-presets).
Long live the Electribes! I really hope sometime Korg will bring out a new professional Tribe.
Yep, that’s pretty happening.
EMX parts sound great, man. Makes me wish I hadn’t got rid of mine…
The emx 1 it s the first machine i ve got and still i find new sounds that meke me love this gear. Thanks for the comment about the video i am glad you like the sond .
Nice work man:) That EMX sounds pretty fat and rich in this track. Well done.
Listened to/watched four of your videos with EMX and OT - very nice work!
Thanks guys , glaf you like the deep sound eaven thougt it was a bit clearest befor recording:).
Thanks for watching my other videos too!
Is it the track below you comment made by you? Really nice sound, warm and clear!
Wath gear did you used ?
Yes that track was made by me. It’s the MDUW + A4. No external processing used on that track.
PS… I’ve since sold my A4:(… I wanted to focus more on gritty dance oriented stuff, and the A4 is just too polished:)
Is it the track below you comment made by you? Really nice sound, warm and clear!
Wath gear did you used ?