Slowly getting my head round the Octatrack. To learn it I’ve been using it in a simlar way to my Machinedrum. I’ve made some patterns using Static and Flex machines. Got my head round the fader.
But, is it possible to change to a pattern and it basically load up a new kit/new samples on all tracks in the same way the Machinedrum does?
There are three ways I know of to go about doing this.
Parameter locks
Use parameter locks to trigger new samples. To assign different samples using p locks, hold down the trig and turn the level encoder to scroll through the samples you have added to your flex or static machine.
Different samples can be assigned to different tracks when switching parts. You can switch parts on the fly (Function + MIDI), or you can set it up so when you switch a pattern the part changes as well. For example, if you were to go from pattern A01 to A02, and you change the part to Part 2, every time you go back to pattern A02, it will automatically go back to Part 2 in your project.
Pattern Banks
Working basically the same way as parts, every time you switch to a new pattern bank (ex: going from A01 to B01), you can have different samples assigned to your tracks.
2 is what im after I think. As 3 requires changing banks and being wasteful.
Is this in the Manual? I’m having a hard time using the Electronic manual as my paper Manual is for an older OS. I cant concentrate on computers
For an excellent introduction to parts, download and read Merlin’s “Some thoughts on Elektron’s Octatrack”. Then use the “Banks, Parts and Scenes” section of the manual for reference.
Yo Pish, I was in a similar situation a bit ago. Parts are really simple if you’re just trying to do what I think you’re trying to do.
Basically, within a bank, go to a blank pattern. Access the Parts menu, and change the part to, say, Part 2. Now load whatever new samples you want into your track slots (as Part 2 should have nothing in it). So now, you’re still within the same bank, but the new pattern you’ve just created will be synced to Part 2 (with the new/different samples), as opposed to all your other patterns, which will most likely be default-set to Part 1. When you switch between a Part 1-pattern and Part 2-pattern, everything will be saved to its respective part. For me, Parts are essentially like patterns within patterns!
I know there’s a whole bunch of crazy stuff you can do with the parts, but for me, since each Bank is essentially an individual song, parts give me access to more than 8 samples within the same song. Hope that makes sense!